Sergei Lvovich Pushkin

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Sergei Lvovich Pushkin

Sergei Lvovich Pushkin ( Russian Сергей Львович Пушкин ., Scientific transliteration vovič Sergei L'Puškin ; born May 23 . Jul / 3. June  1770 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † June 29 jul. / 11. July  1848 greg. In Moscow ), Alexander Pushkin's father , was a Russian major, military adviser and civil servant.


Sergei, the son of Colonel Artillery Lev Alexandrovich Pushkin (1723-1790) and his second wife Olga Wassiljewna Tschitscherina (1737-1802), was educated by French tutors, then served in the Izmailovo bodyguard regiment from sergeant to ensign to captain and quit military service as major in 1797. As a civil servant in the Russian reserve army - first in Moscow and then in Warsaw as a military advisor - he made it to the Council of State on January 12, 1818 (= civil servant 5th grade ).

Sergei Pushkin dabbled as a verse smith in French, emerged as a reciter and was brimming with entertaining ideas in company. The landlord Sergei Pushkin owned the farming villages of Boldino and Kistenewo in the area around Nizhny Novgorod .

In Warsaw he joined the Freemasons in July 1814 and was initiated on October 10, 1817.


In November 1796 Sergei Pushkin married his cousin Nadezhda Osipovna (1775-1836), the daughter of Marija Alexejewna Pushkina (1745-1818) and Osip Abramowitsch Hannibal (1744-1806) in Petersburg . The couple had eight children.

  • Olga (1797-1868)
  • Alexander (1799-1837)
  • Nikolai (1801-1807)
  • Lew (1805-1852)
  • Sofja (January - September 1809)
  • Pawel (July - December 1810)
  • Mikhail (* 1811)
  • Plato (1817-1819)


Web links

Commons : Alexander Pushkin's family  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files