Sergio Citti

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Sergio Citti (born May 30, 1933 in Rome , † October 11, 2005 in Ostia ) was an Italian screenwriter and film director .


Citti had been a close friend of Pier Paolo Pasolini since the early 1950s and initially advised him on his novels Ragazzi di vita and Vita violenta . Both novels not only took place in the Roman suburbs, but also radically adopted the colloquial language and dialects of the people who lived there. Citti, who himself came from this milieu, became “Pasolini's Roman dictionary.” From these beginnings a long collaboration developed; Citti supported Pasolini in the work on the scripts, which he was still writing for other directors at the time. In Pasolini's first own films Accattone (in which he also took on a small role as an actor) and Mamma Roma , Citti took care of the dialogues again, and later he was assistant director for the majority of Pasolini's films.

In 1970 Citti directed his first own film, Ostia. Among his best-known works are Strandgeflüster ( Casotto, 1977) with Jodie Foster and Ugo Tognazzi and Two Fathers, a Child and the Beautiful Lucia ( Due pezzi di pane , 1979) with Vittorio Gassman and Philippe Noiret . He was invited to the Berlinale competition in 1981 with Il minestrone . For The Homeless Three Kings ( I Magi randagi , 1996) he received the 1997 Nastro d'Argento for the best story (Miglior soggetto).

Sergio Citti was the brother of the actor Franco Citti .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Schweizer: Pasolini. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1986, p. 46 (Rowohlt's monograph 354)
  2. cf. the detailed filmography in: Friends of the Deutsche Kinemathek : Pier Paolo Pasolini. Documents on the reception of his films in German-language film reviews 1963–1985. Berlin 1994
  3. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I registi. Gremese, Rome 2002, p. 113