Sergio Pininfarina

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Sergio Pininfarina, 2005

Sergio Pininfarina (* 8. September 1926 in Turin as Sergio Farina , † 3. July 2012 ) was an Italian industrial designer and politician . He became internationally known for his body design for Ferrari , Fiat , Lancia and other Italian car companies and railways. He is also a cousin of Giuseppe Farina .


In 1950 he graduated from the Turin Polytechnic with a degree in mechanical engineering and joined his father Battista “Pinin” Farina’s company . After the death of his father in 1966, he became general manager of the company, now renamed Pininfarina . From 1974 to 1977 Pininfarina taught at the Turin Polytechnic. He was a member of the Partito Liberale Italiano . From 1979 to 1988 he was a member of the European Parliament for the Liberal and Democratic Group . From 1988-1992 he served as President of Confindustria .

His successor as head of Pininfarina was initially his son Andrea Pininfarina . After he had a fatal accident in 2008, the second son, Paolo Farina, took over the management.


In 2004, Pininfarina won the red dot design award: design team of the year as an entrepreneur and designer . In October 2005 he was appointed Senator for life by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi together with Giorgio Napolitano .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sergio Pininfarina is dead. In: n-tv , July 3, 2012 (accessed July 3, 2012).
  2. Designer Sergio Pininfarina has died. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , July 3, 2012, accessed July 4, 2012.