Writing perch

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Writing perch
Serranus scriba Koufonissi.png

Script perch ( Serranus scriba )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Family : Sawfish (Serranidae)
Subfamily : Actual perch (Serraninae)
Genre : Serranus
Type : Writing perch
Scientific name
Serranus scriba
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Font perch, front view

The writing perch ( Serranus scriba ) is a species of fish from the family of the sawfish family (Serranidae).


The body shape of the perch is similar to the much larger grouper . It has a stocky body, a large head and a very large mouth in relation to its size, which can be pushed forward and whose jaws are studded with pointed teeth. The basic color of the body is yellow to sand-colored, with the color becoming more intense towards the rear end. The caudal fin is dark yellow to orange and rounded, the anal fin and the dorsal fin, which is reinforced with spiked rays in the front part, are yellow with orange points and lines. The pelvic fins and the pectoral fins are usually light yellow in color. The head drawing consists of countless, ornate brown lines that are reminiscent of Arabic characters, which also explains the origin of the name. The markings on the body consist of vertical, dark brown stripes that become wider and darker towards the tail. A distinctive feature of closely related species such as the sawfish ( Serranus cabrilla ) is a large, light-blue spot on both sides of the abdomen, which becomes more intense sky-blue in older fish.

The average length is between 15 and 25 centimeters, although in rare cases lengths of up to 36 centimeters are achieved with a maximum age of 16 years.


The writing perch occurs in the east Atlantic from the West African coast to northern Spain, also on the Canary Islands and Azores, and it is also a relatively common perch of the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

Way of life

The fish inhabit coastal habitats on rocky and gravel coasts at depths from the surface of the water up to mostly about 30 meters, at a maximum it lives at depths of up to 150 meters. Sand bottom is mostly avoided, only in sea and Neptune grass meadows one can occasionally find the perch.

Perch are solitary animals that are strictly territorial and defend their territories aggressively against conspecifics. Mostly they keep hidden in crevices or under stones and prefer to hunt from there.


The fish feed exclusively on animals, in addition to shrimp, Norway lobster , beach crabs, worms, small octopuses and water snails, fish up to ten centimeters in length, such as anchovies , small sardines , corn fish and young sea ​​bream, are on their menu.


Perch are real hermaphrodites that simultaneously form sperm and egg cells. This means that self-fertilization is also possible in the absence of partners. The eggs are firmly attached to the bottom of stones near the bank. The spawning season is from late spring to early summer.

Perch and human

The relatively small perch is rarely used as food by humans. Catching the animals is difficult because the shelters under rocks with nets cannot be fished. Occasionally the animals are caught by anglers, mostly with bait such as bait fish, pieces of fish or squid. After being bitten by a perch, it is important to pull it out of its shelter immediately with a strong pull so as not to risk the fish getting stuck and thus losing it.

The flesh of this Serranid is light, tasty and relatively boneless. The fish is particularly suitable for roasting or grilling whole.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Terofal: Steinbach's natural guide, sea fish . Mosaik Verlag, 1986. (pp. 90–91)
  2. a b c d writing perch on Fishbase.org (English)
  3. Antal Vida & Tamas Kotai: 365 fish . Tandem Verlag, 2007. (No. 213)


  • Fritz Terofal: Steinbach's nature guide, sea fish . Mosaik Verlag, 1986, pp. 90-91
  • Antal Vida & Tamas Kotai: 365 fish . Tandem Verlag, 2007. (No. 213)
  • Matthias Bergbauer & Bernd Humberg: What lives in the Mediterranean? Kosmos Verlag, 1999, p. 250

Web links

Commons : Typeface ( Serranus scriba )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files