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Pro Juventute awareness campaign 'Sexting' theme picture 02 (10817153305) .jpg

Sexting is the private communication on sexual topics via mobile messaging. In the narrower sense, it is dirty talk for mutual excitement . Since the availability of multimedia messaging services (MMS) and instant messagers such as WhatsApp , it has also been possible to send erotic images of one's own body via instant messaging applications using mobile devices. Such nude photos are also known as nelfie (naked selfies ). The trunk word , which comes from the Anglo-American language area, is composed of sex and texting (English texting , " writing SMS "). In German, the word is mainly used for sending erotic self-recordings via smartphone or the Internet. Since 2012, Pro Juventute from Switzerland has been running an awareness campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of sexting and to offer those affected by assistance.


A simulated sexting chat

Sexting is mostly practiced by teenagers and young adults . According to a US study by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (NCPTUP) from 2008, 20 percent of 13 to 19 year olds and 59 percent of 20 to 26 year olds have already sent sextings. 48 percent of teenagers and 64 percent of young adults have received sexting MMS.

An English study for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children assumes a high number of unreported cases in England and found a proportion of 15 percent to 40 percent among young people depending on the age and definition of the youths of sexting. The study also showed that the majority of female adolescents are pressured by male adolescents to provide their own pictures. A survey of young Swiss people (JAMES study, 2012) showed that only 6 percent of those questioned send erotic media of themselves. In 2012 the Swiss foundation Pro Juventute launched an awareness campaign against sexting.

A study by SaferInternet Austria carried out in Austria in 2017 revealed a high prevalence of sexting among young people (14-18 years of age):

The results of the survey show that sexting, i.e. sending nude pictures, is widespread among young people. Almost half of the young people surveyed know someone who has already sent nude pictures to others. Every third person has already received nude pictures or videos. For many young people (31%) it is completely normal for someone in a relationship to send nude pictures - mostly via WhatsApp - to their boyfriends or girlfriends. One in ten young people even knows the nude pictures of their best friend or best friend. "


Most young people use the WhatsApp messenger app for sexting, followed by Facebook , Skype , Snapchat , instant messaging applications for smartphones and tablets , or by email. The photos sent with Snapchat should only be visible for a certain number of seconds and then destroy themselves. However, it is relatively easy to find and restore sent files within the folder structure of the device in use.

Legal position

The distribution and possession of erotic images of minors ( child pornography ) is prohibited in most countries.

Situation in the United States

The underage participants in this variant of “ I'll show you mine - you show me yours ” using the means of modern communication in the United States are threatened with legal prosecution with serious consequences.

Situation in Germany

In Germany , sexting among minors can constitute a violation of Section 184b or Section 184c of the StGB. While are loud the former sexual images of children under 14 years are prohibited without exception, can §184c sexual in case studies young people aged between 14 and 17 impunity for the case that the question youth pornographic material "for personal use only with the consent of the persons depicted" made has been. However, since §184c in particular has only been legally valid since November 2008, it remains to be seen at the present time how German case law will apply this new standard to the problem of "sexting".

While the operators of sexting see this as a “high-tech flirt ”, critics point to the dangers of the improper distribution of these photos, e. B. via social networks on the Internet.

Situation in Austria

The Austrian legal situation is similar to the German one in that sexting by under-fourteen-year-olds is illegal, but at the same time they are not criminally responsible. While the production and possession of pornographic depictions of young people (14-17 years of age) was always legal with their consent, distribution through sexting was punishable until 2016. In March 2015, for example, a young person was convicted of sending a pornographic picture of himself. Following pressure from the federal youth council , the law was subsequently changed.

See also

Web links

Commons : Sexting  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sex + Texting = sexting. In: Washington Post online , December 10, 2008
  2. a b American teenagers shock moral guards. In: , May 7, 2009
  3. Eva-Maria Berendsen: I want to see something from you. In: . February 17, 2014, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  4. Sexting can make you famous. Even if you don't want to. Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  5. ^ Sex and Tech: What's Really Going On - Study. ( Memento from June 21, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) In: (PDF; 485 kB)
  6. a b Why sexting among young people is (not) a problem. A guest contribution by Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring, - children. media. competence (archive) .
  7. Jessica Ringrose, Rosalind Gill, Sonia Livingstone, Laura Harvey: A qualitative study of children, young people and 'sexting'. In: , London 2012
  8. ↑ Report on the results of the JAMES study 2012 ( Memento from March 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) p. 53 (PDF)
  9. a b Sexting: Every third young person receives nude pictures via WhatsApp. In:
  10. archived copy ( Memento of 11 December 2013, Internet Archive ) on the suitability of Snapchat for sexting
  11. Snapchat: Sexting app doesn't delete videos. ( Memento from July 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) In:
  12. Jump up ↑ US teenagers who are happy to show up collect child pornography lawsuits. In: Spiegel Online , January 15, 2009.
  13. I'll show you my 2.0. In: , January 15, 2009
  14. ^ Reymer Klüver: Of poses and antics. ( Memento from December 28, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) In: Süddeutsche Zeitung online , April 16, 2009
  15. Schmitz / Siry: Teenage Folly or Child Abuse? State Responses to "Sexting" by Minors in the US and Germany. May 2011.
  16. Introduction of §184c StGB ( BGBl. 2008 I p. 2149 )
  17. Sexting normal ( Memento of March 8, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) In: , July 14, 2008 (English)
  18. ^ Teen "Sexting" Worries Parents, Schools. In: CBS News February 4, 2009
  19. Sex selfie: Performers can be punishable by law. In: March 29, 2015, accessed February 10, 2016 .
  20. ^ Tweet from BJV chairman David Neuber. In: September 6, 2015, accessed February 10, 2016 .