Shanghai Electric

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Shanghai Electric Group

legal form
ISIN CNE100000D55 ( A-share )
CNE100000437 ( H-share )
founding 2004
Seat Shanghai , People's Republic of ChinaChina People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China 
management Huang Dinan ( Chairman and CEO )
Branch Conglomerate

Shanghai Electric Group is a state-owned Chinese company based in Shanghai .

The company was founded in 2004, and its history as a state-owned company goes back further. Shanghai Electric operates in the energy sector and produces power systems, electrical energy , wind turbines , heavy machinery, mechanics and electrics, elevator technology, printing and packaging machines, and machine tools.


In February 2016, the company announced a stake of around 30% in the German mechanical engineering company Manz AG . In January 2017, a research joint venture and a so-called equipment joint venture for the sale and maintenance of CIGS thin-film solar modules are founded with Manz AG and China Shenhua Energy .

In August 2016, the company took over 100% of the shares in the German aerospace supplier Broetje-Automation in Rastede (near Oldenburg) from the previous majority shareholder, Deutsche Beteiligungs AG .

Between 2010 and 2015, the US printing press manufacturer Goss International was part of Shanghai Electric. Goss was sold to American Industrial Partners in 2015 .

Individual evidence

  1. Management team
  2. Chinese buyers from German Apple supplier ,, February 28, 2016
  3. Imelda Flaig: Manz gets a record order in the solar industry. Stuttgarter Zeitung, January 24, 2017, accessed on January 25, 2017 .
  4. Desirée Backhaus: DBAG sells Brötje-Automation to China . In: Finance , August 15, 2016, accessed August 16, 2016.