Sherlock Prize

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The Sherlock Prize (Original: Sherlock-priset) was a popular Swedish award for crime literature . The prize was awarded by the Stockholm tabloid Expressen, founded in 1944, between 1955 and 1986 for the best detective novel published in the year. The award was named after Sherlock Holmes , the literary protagonist of the British doctor and author Arthur Conan Doyle . In the mid-1980s, the Expressen culture department ended the award because of their readership's alleged disinterest in crime literature.

Award winners

(Publisher and year information refer to the original or German first editions)

year Award winners Title of the novel
Original title, publisher, place, year
German title
publisher, place, year
1955 H.-K. Rönblom Höstvind och djupa vatten
Norstedt, Stockholm 1955
1956 Rose Trenter Narr på nocken
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1956
1957 Arne Stigson Den resandes ensak
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1957
1958 Folke Mellvig Farligt för familjen
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1958
1959 Kjerstin Göransson-Ljungman Murder on auction
Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm 1959
1960 Vic Suneson Fredag ​​den 14: e
Gebers, Stockholm 1960
1961 Kerstin Ekman De tre små mästarna
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1961
The three little masters
Goldmann, Munich 1962
1962 H.-K. Rönblom Bok över obefintliga
Norstedt, Stockholm 1962
1963 Jan Ekström Träfracken
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1963
1964 Elvy Ahlbeck Mord utan förbindelse
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1964
1965 Prize not awarded
1966 Days Giron Poison in i döden
Norstedt, Stockholm 1966
The white dress of death
Knaur, Munich 2005
1967 Vic Suneson Vem av de sju
Geber, Stockholm 1967
Which of the seven?
People and World, Berlin 1971
1968 Maj Sjöwall / Per Wahlöö Den skrattande polisen
Norstedt, Stockholm 1968
End of the line for nine
Rowohlt, Reinbek 1971
1969 Jenny Berthelius Den heta sommaren
Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm 1969
1970 Tord Hubert Ett mord på vägen
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1970
1971 Olle Högstrand Maskerat bread
Norstedt, Stockholm 1971
1972 Olov Svedelid Note for
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1972
Reported missing from
Volk und Welt, Berlin 1976
1973 Sten Wilding Vita frun
Zindermans, Gothenburg 1973
1974 K. Arne Blom Sanningen's ögonblick
AWE / Gebers, Stockholm 1974
The moment of truth
Edition Sven Erik Bergh, Zug / Switzerland 1976
1975 Olle Högstrand Från säker källa
Forum, Stockholm 1975
1976 Tord Hubert Den andres död
Albert Bonnier, Stockholm 1976
1977 Bertil Mårtensson Växande hot
Bokád, Stockholm 1977
1978 Elisabet Kågerman Rabies ...
Zinderman, Gothenburg 1978
1979 Gösta Unefäldt and Valter Unefäldt Polisen som vägrade svara
Stegeland, Gothenburg 1979
1980 Lars Molin Bombs
Alba, Stockholm 1980
The bomb
Rowohlt, Reinbek 1982
1981 Jan Moen Någon måste dö
Plus, Stockholm 1981
1982 Kjell-Olof Bornemark Legat till en trolös
Norstedt, Stockholm 1982
1983 Ulf Durling Lugnet efter stormen
AWE / Gebers, Stockholm 1983
1984 Prize not awarded
1985 Staffan Westerlund Sång for Jenny
Carlsson, Stockholm 1985
1986 Carl-Henning Wijkmark Sista dagar
Norstedt, Stockholm 1986
Last days
Gemini, Berlin 2002


  1. Product hellre de vals of Av Per Svensson in Expressen on 28 January 2007 (Swedish, accessed November 9, 2012).
  2. The English-language edition The Laughing Policeman was honored in 1971 by the American Mystery Writers of America with the Edgar Allan Poe Award in the category "Best Novel"