Siddhartha Mukherjee

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Siddhartha Mukherjee (2017)

Siddhartha Mukherjee (* 1970 in New Delhi , India ) is an Indian-American writer , doctor and scientist .

For the book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (in German The King of All Diseases: Cancer - a biography ) he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction books in 2011. The book was also named one of the best 100 non-fiction books in 100 years by Time magazine and was named Knowledge Book of the Year 2012. Dieter Moor described the book in the program ttt - title, theses, spirits as a “literary miracle”.

Currently (as of 2012) Mukherjee works as an assistant professor at Columbia University and as a doctor at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City . He is married to the artist Sarah Sze and has two children.

Prizes and awards


In 2016, based on the book The King of All Diseases: Cancer - A Biography, the two-part documentary Krebs - Eine Biographie produced by ZDF was published.


Web links