Sidi Boushaki

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Sidi Boushaki or Ibrahim Ibn Faïd Ez-Zaouaoui (* 1394 ; † 1453 ) was an Islamic theologian of the Maliki school of law who was born near the city of Thénia , 54 km east of Algiers . He grew up in a very spiritual environment with high Islamic values ​​and ethics.


Sidi Boushaki Ez-Zaouaoui was born in 1394 in Aïth Aïcha in Tizi Naïth Aïcha in the Khechna massif, an extension of Djurdjura.

He began his studies in 1398 in the village of Soumâa (Thala Oufella) in Thénia , before he went to Bejaia at a very young age in 1404 to continue his studies. There he studied with Ali Menguelleti, a recognized theologian from Kabylia , the Koran and Maliki - Fiqh .

Bejaia was a religious center and a place of Sufism influence at the beginning of the 15th century .

Sidi Boushaki went to Tunis in 1415 , where he deepened his knowledge of Maliki- Madhhab . There he studied the Tafsir of the Koran with the judge Abu Abdallah Al Kalchani and received the Maliki-Fiqh from Yaakub Ez-Zaghbi.

Sidi Boushaki was a student of Abdelwahed Al Fariani in the basics of Islam .

In 1420 he returned to the mountains of Bejaia, where he studied Arabic with Abd El Aali Ibn Ferradj .

Sidi Boushaki went to Constantine in 1423, where he lived for many years, and received the teachings in the Muslim faith (Aslain) and logic in "Abu Zeid Abderrahmane" with the nickname "El Bez".

He studied prose , verse , fiqh and most of the theological sciences of the time in Ibn Marzuq El Hafid (1365–1439), the Maghreb and Tlemcen scholar who visited Constantine to preach his knowledge, not to be confused with his father Ibn Marzuq El Khatib (1310-1379).

He came to Mecca to go on a pilgrimage and to study.

He died in 1453 and was buried in his tribe of Kabylia in the Thenia Mountains .

Individual evidence

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  3. Yedali: الضوء اللامع لأهل القرن التاسع . ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  4. Yedali: نيل الابتهاج بتطريز الديباج . ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  5. كتاب تاريخ الجزائر العام للشيخ عبد الرحمان الجيلالي . ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  6. do-dorrat-al7ijal . ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
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  8. موسوعة العلماء و الأدباء الجزائريين. الجزء الثاني ، من حرف الدال إلى حرف الياء . Al Manhal, 2014, ISBN 979-6-50016779-4 ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  9. الخطيب: معجم المؤلفين (علماء) . ktab INC. ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  10. موسوعة التراجم والأعلام - إبراهيم بن فائد بن موسى بن عمر بن سعيد بن علال بن سعيد الينبروني لوز. Retrieved July 19, 2019 .
  11. IslamKotob: الموسوعة الميسرة في تراجم أئمة التفسير والإقراء والنحو واللغة . IslamKotob ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  12. أحمد بابا / التنبكتي: نيل الابتهاج بتطريز الديباج . Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah دار الكتب العلمية, 2013, ISBN 978-2-7451-7475-8 ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  13. ص 160 - كتاب معجم أعلام الجزائر - إبراهيم بن فائد بن موسى بن عمر بن سعيد أبو اسحاق الثاياوا الك اليد الحسنطية. Retrieved July 19, 2019 .
  14. إبراهيم بن فائد القسنطيني. Retrieved July 19, 2019 (ar-AR).
  15. ثلة من علماء قسنطينة. Retrieved July 19, 2019 (Arabic).