Sidney Polak

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Sidney Polak at the Pol'and'Rock Festival 2019

Sidney Polak (actually Jarosław Marek Polak ; born October 7, 1972 in Warsaw ) is a Polish rock musician and drummer .

Polak has been the drummer of the Polish pop group T.Love since 1990 , which has had a number of hits over the past 15 years. In 2004 he started his first solo project with the CD Sidney Polak , in which he tried a mixture of hip-hop , reggae and folk . In terms of content he processes u. a. his youth in the Warsaw high-rise Chomiczówka, the breakup of his family and the experience of his mother's three-year labor migration in Germany. The successful album was proposed in a total of six categories for the Polish music award Fryderyk . In 2009 his second CD was released with the title Cyfrowy Styl Życia .

In the 1990s Polak tried in vain to study sociology at the University of Warsaw . However, he later completed a degree in applied social sciences. Polak is divorced and has a ten year old son. He lives in Warsaw-Tarchomin.



  • Sidney Polak ( 2004 )
  • Cyfrowy styl życia ( 2009 )


  • (2004)
  • Otwieram wino (with Pezet) (2004)
  • Chomiczówka (2004)
  • Chorwat ( 2005 )
  • Siedem Grzechów Popkultury (2005)
  • Stop Global Experiment (2005)
  • Przemijamy (2005)
  • Ragga-Rap ( 2006 )
  • Konstytucje 2006 (2006)
  • Deszcz ( 2009 )
  • Skuter (2009)

Web links

Commons : Sidney Polak  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jarosław Marek Polak. Retrieved March 23, 2019 .