Siegbert Springer

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Siegbert Springer (born August 9, 1882 in Schubin near Bromberg ; † May 10, 1938 in Berlin ) was an important law tutor in Berlin.


Siegbert Springer suffered from severe stuttering all his life, which is why the path to a legal career was blocked for the doctor of law. So he switched to the activity of the tutor. As such, he soon had "the best reputation of all". As his former student Walter Schwarz put it in his memoirs, “students from all walks of life”, including politicians and members of “the highest civil servants and judges ”, studied with this “gifted lawyer”. Among the influential figures, Siegbert Springer, their offspring were entrusted, among others, the Reich Chancellor Hermann Müller and Wilhelm Marx , Reich Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann , Reich Interior Minister Erich Koch-Weser and the President of the Reich Court Walter Simons . Many respected professors from the Berlin Faculty of Law, including James Goldschmidt , Eduard Kohlrausch and Martin Wolff , had their own children trained by Siegbert Springer. Springer taught up to 40 listeners at the same time in a narrow, barren room in his small apartment in Berlin-Moabit. The students praised his inimitable way of transforming abstract legal texts with black humor into unforgettable, real-life examples.

Springer of Jewish origin, who was described by Walter Schwarz as a charismatic teacher and a kind person, committed suicide in 1938, during the time of National Socialism . The reason given is a summons from the tax office. Other sources report a request by the Gestapo to present the list of his students.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Walter Schwarz: Late fruit. Report from unsteady years, Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1981, p. 38.
  2. Walter Schwarz: Requiem for a beloved teacher. (JuS) Legal training , year 1977, issue 7, page 488.
  3. Horst Göppinger : Jurists of Jewish descent in the "Third Reich", CH Beck, Munich 1990, p. 237.