Siegfried Jelenko

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Siegfried Jelenko (born April 19, 1858 in Vienna ; † March 2, 1935 there ) was an Austrian theater actor and theater director .


Siegfried Jelenko moved with his parents to Cincinnati while still a child and spent part of his youth in America. When he returned to Vienna, he first became an official of the Vienna Reinsurance Company and later of the Handelsbank. His inclination to the theater grew stronger and after Adolf von Sonnenthal declared him qualified and he had already acted with good success as "Ferdinand" (June 5, 1876) and in "Faust", he left the office of the Banking institute forever and first stepped onto the boards in Gleichenberg under his baptismal name (1876). Then he took on engagement at the court theater in Sigmaringen, then went to Bremen in 1877, then to the Ostend Theater in Berlin in 1878, and then began a wandering life that led him to Mödling, Olmütz, Pest, Brünn, Kissingen, Würzburg and Marienbad until he was committed to the court theater in Karlsruhe in 1883. After having worked at this court stage for five years, he joined the Association of Berlin Theater in 1888 . In 1890 he advanced to director and in 1892 to senior director. In this capacity he moved to the Residenztheater in 1894, where he remained until 1896, worked at the Berlin theater in 1897 and 1898 and from 1899 onwards he was the director of the theater at the Hamburg City Theater. There he was a member of the Hamburg Masonic Lodge Absalom to the three nettles . In 1931 he went to Vienna, where he also died.


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