Silver monkey

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Silver monkey
Silvery marmoset Mico argentatus.png

Silver monkey ( Mico argentatus )

Subordination : Dry- nosed primates (Haplorrhini)
Partial order : Monkey (anthropoidea)
without rank: New World Monkey (Platyrrhini)
Family : Marmosets (Callitrichidae)
Genre : Marmoset ( Mico )
Type : Silver monkey
Scientific name
Mico argentatus
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The silver monkey or silver marmoset ( Mico argentatus , syn .: Callithrix argentata ) is a species of primate from the marmoset family . The brown , white and black-tailed marmoset used to be considered its subspecies, but are now listed as separate species.


Silver monkeys reach a head body length of 18 to 28 centimeters, the tail is up to 38 centimeters significantly longer than the body. Their weight is around 300 to 400 grams. With the exception of the black tail, their fur is whitish or silver-colored. The face is hairless, as are the large ears protruding from the fur. As with all marmosets, the fingers and toes (with the exception of the big toe) have claws instead of nails.

distribution and habitat

Silver monkeys have the most easterly distribution area of ​​all marmosets and live only in the eastern Amazon basin . Their range is limited in the north by the Amazon , in the west by the Rio Tapajós and in the east by the Rio Tocantins . Their habitat are forests, although they mainly occur in densely vegetated secondary forests.

Way of life

Silver monkeys are diurnal tree inhabitants, they spend the night in tree hollows or in dense vegetation. With the help of their claws they can climb well, but they also move four-legged and jump. They live in family groups of 4 to 15 animals. Groups are usually composed of a reproductive couple and the common young animals. Their territories are marked with scent glands, intruders are driven away by shouting or facial expressions (lowered eyebrows and pursed lips).


The food of the silver monkeys consists mainly of tree sap. Like all marmosets , thanks to the specialized teeth in the lower jaw, they are able to gnaw holes in the tree bark in order to get to the food source. To a lesser extent, they eat fruits, leaves and insects.


Even if there are several females in a group, only the dominant one will breed. After a gestation period of around 145 days, two (rarely one or three) young are usually born. As with many marmosets, the father and the other group members take part in raising the young. Young animals are weaned at six months and sexually mature after around a year.


The main threat to the silver monkeys is the loss of their habitat through deforestation. However, due to their adaptability and relative modesty, they are less affected than other South American primates. The stocks are in decline, but not to a worrying extent. The IUCN lists the species as "not endangered" ( least concern ).


  • Thomas Geissmann : Comparative Primatology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6 .
  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Eds.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .

Web links

Commons : Mico argentatus  - collection of images, videos and audio files