Sillon alpine

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In geography, Sillon alpin is the name of a landscape in south-east France . A corresponding translation of the term into German is not common; it would mean something like "Alpengraben".

In the narrower sense, the Sillon alpin is a series of large valleys and basins that extend in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region between the central Alps and the French pre-Alps from Albertville in a south-westerly direction to Grenoble .

From a broader economic and geographic point of view, neighboring areas such as the area from Geneva in Switzerland to Annecy and the Arly Valley in the north and the valley from Grenoble to Valence in the southwest, i.e. into the Rhone Valley , also belong to the large landscape. Apart from the Swiss share, this is in the four French departments of Haute-Savoie , Savoie , Isère and Drôme . The large-scale regional planning of France regards this area with more than two million inhabitants as a possible future metropolitan region ( Pôle métropolitain ) in the east of Lyon . On October 21, 2011, the presidents of the major cities and settlement centers agreed to found the Pôle métropolitain in this room at a conference in Chambéry .

The name is particularly used in the railway network on the Ligne du Sillon Alpin railway line from Valence via Grenoble and Chambéry to Geneva.


  • Jean Masseport: Le Sillon alpin. Dépression d'érosion ou déchirure structurale? In: Revue de geographie alpine , Vol. 43, 1955, pp. 793-819.