Simon Spannbrucker

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Simon Spannbrucker

Simon clamping Brucker (* 25. October 1848 in Klebham in Fridolfing , † 31 March 1914 in Laufen ) was a Catholic priest and is regarded for its activities to the Catholic boys clubs as "boys father."

Spiritual work

Spannbrucker's primacy to the dean of Laufen took place on July 27, 1874. Spannbrucker was, among other things, prefect of the boys' seminar in Freising and clerical council .

Construction of the parish church of the Assumption

He made a special contribution to building a new parish church in the Upper Bavarian parish of Fridolfing , his home parish. Together with his sisters he donated the property as well as considerable sums of money. On December 26, 1884, Spannbrucker, as the representative for the Fridolfingen pastor Stephan Glonner, gave a sermon that is still legendary today , in which he called for the construction of a new parish church to be dependent on the collection of the coming Sunday. The Fridolfinger's willingness to donate was clear and showed a clear vote for the construction of the largest village church of the Assumption of Mary in Fridolfing to date .

Merit to the boys' clubs

Inspired by the idea of Adolph Kolping , who created associations for journeyman craftsmen in 1849, Spannbrucker decided to make similar associations and associations available to young people in the countryside. When Spannbrucker took over the parish of Laufen in 1901 , he immediately founded the "Petrinia" boys' association, which is still in existence today. In the years that followed, Spannbrucker continued to found boys' clubs in Bavaria and neighboring Austria . On Spannbrucker's initiative, an umbrella organization " Catholic Boys 'Associations for the Kingdom of Bavaria " was founded as early as 1903 for the resulting boys' clubs, in which Spannbrucker was elected to the board. From 1911 the umbrella association published the association sheet "Burschenblatt" at the request of Spannbrucker. Through these services, Spannbrucker was nicknamed "Burschenvater".


  • The Passion of the Godman - A series of lectures for St. Lent (two volumes) Breiteneicher, Michael - Spannbrucker, Simon (Stiftsdekan in Laufen, ed.)
  • "Clear presentation of the prayers and ceremonies at the solemn church consecration" by Simon Spannbrucker, Herder Verlag Munich 1893
  • Breiteneicher Michael: Pulpit lectures on all Sundays and public holidays of the church year. Edited on behalf of the author after the death of the author. by Simon Spannbrucker.
  • Breiteneicher Michael: wreath of jewels in honor of the most blessed virgin: sermons about the English greeting on the five main Marian feasts of the church year; On behalf of the author, after his death, edited by Simon Spannbrucker, Archbishop, Seminar Prefect - Dülmen; Munster i. WA Laumann'sche Verlagshandlung und Buchdruckerei (Fr. Schnell). 1886. 2 sheets, 1 sheet
  • Lautenschlager, Johann: lad's father Simon Spannbrucker. A picture of life - Verlag der kath. Boys' clubs in Bavaria. Regensburg 1928

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