Siobhan Dowd

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Siobhan Dowd [ ʃəˈvɔːn ] (born February 4, 1960 in London , † August 21, 2007 in Oxford ) was an Irish- British writer .

life and work

Siobhan Dowd went to a Catholic school in London and studied in Oxford , where she lived with her husband Geoff until her death. She worked as an editor at PEN International and as a freelance writer. In 2006 she published her acclaimed debut novel Pure Cry ( A Swift Pure Cry ). After three years of illness, Dowd died of breast cancer in August 2007 at the age of 47 .

In 2011, Patrick Ness processed an unfinished novel idea from Dowd with the novel Seven Minutes After Midnight . Both had never met, but had the same editor. The book about a boy confronted with his mother's cancer was awarded the Carnegie Medal in 2012.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Masters, Tim: Carnegie Medal: Patrick Ness book A Monster Calls scoops double honors at, June 14, 2012 (accessed June 15, 2012).