Patrick Ness

Patrick Ness (born October 17, 1971 in Alexandria , Virginia ) is an American - British journalist and writer . His literary work includes seven novels and various short stories. Ness' most famous novel in the German-speaking world, A Monster Calls (2011, German Seven Minutes After Midnight , 2011), was described by the New York Times as "a gift from a generous storyteller and a potent piece of art". John Green called Ness an "insanely beautiful writer". Ness' latest novels are The Crane Wife (2013, German Die Nacht des Kranichs , 2014), More Than This (2013, German Mehr als das , 2014) and The Rest of Us Just Live Here (2015). For his literary work, Ness has been widely praised in the international feuilleton and has received the most important prizes in the German and British children's and youth literature scene, including the Guardian Award (2008), the Carnegie Medal (2011 and 2012) and the German Youth Literature Prize (2012). In 2014 Ness gave the opening speech of the children's and youth program at the Berlin International Literature Festival .
life and work
Ness was born in the United States at the Fort Belvoir Army Base near Alexandria, Virginia, where his father was an Army training sergeant. They moved to Hawaii , where Ness lived until the age of 6, and spent the next ten years in Washington state before moving to Los Angeles. He studied English Literature at the University of Southern California . After completing his studies, he created instructions for use and standard letters for a cable company. Ness has lived in London since 1999 and was already working on his first novel at that time. He taught creative writing and was a reviewer for The Guardian , The Daily Telegraph , The Times Literary Supplement and The Sunday Telegraph . Ness has also been a UK citizen since 2005. He has been in a civil partnership since 2006, shortly after the Civil Partnership Act came into force in the UK.
On the privilege of being a writer whose books are read by an interested audience, Ness says:
"I still get surprised when people read them. A world this busy and this crowded with books and with other distractions… I work really hard, and I try to do the very best I can, but still it's amazing that somebody reads your book, that somebody gives you their time - that's a huge privilege. "
In 2011 Ness recommended nine books to young readers in the Guardian with a wink of the eye, which he judged to be "unsuitable" for young readers: The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger , The Stand by Stephen King , Infinite Fun by David Foster Wallace , Son of Man by Toni Morrison , The Suicide Sisters by Jeffrey Eugenides , Dracula by Bram Stoker , Middlemarch by George Eliot , Maul by Tricia Sullivan and Pan Aroma by Tom Robbins .
In the spring of 2014, Ness gave a high-profile speech on the subject of How not to drop the baton of reading at the Imagine Children's Festival in London . In it, he expresses himself, among other things, on the social demands that are made on authors of so-called children's and youth literature:
"Writers for children and young people seem to be asked and even expected to be activists, to be advocates, to be campaigners, more than any other group of artists. [...] People seem to expect us to be activists. On behalf of reading, on behalf of literacy, on behalf of libraries. "
Furthermore, Ness explains that for him the existence as a writing activist is not the top priority of his creative work, but the self-image as an artist, who should above all tell a good story:
"You notice I've kept calling us artists? Yeah, totally cringey, isn't it? I know. But it's for a reason. If you think of your job as that of a functionary, filling up pages for a factory machine, churning them out impersonally for the consumption of anonymous readers… well, I reckon you probably wouldn't be here in the first place. Do I consider myself an artist? Yep It's hubris and bit poncey, I know, but all art is hubristic and a bit poncey. I try not to call myself an artist in front of any internet trolls, but still. It's what I am before I'm an activist, before I'm an advocate, before I'm a campaigner. I'm a writer. And that's where my power is. [...] The baton of reading is not an event, it's not a program, it's not a government scheme, it's not a poster campaign or sponsorship or social networking. As vitally important as those things are, they're not the baton. The baton is the story. The baton is the book. The baton is the novel that a young reader finds and says, "Yes, this is mine."
In the same speech, Ness criticized the British Education Minister Michael Gove several times and described his education policy as “appalling, ignorant and damaging to the country”.
In September 2014 Ness gave the opening speech of the children and youth program at the 14th Berlin International Literature Festival . She has the title of Every Age I Ever What ( Each age at which I've ever been ). There he was also a member of the jury for The Extraordinary Book award .
Ness lives and works in London.
Literary work
Ness' first author was a story for the New York gay magazine Genre in 1997. His first novel was The Crash of Hennington (2003). This was followed by the collection of short stories Topics About Which I Know Nothing (2005) and three volumes of the Chaos Walking trilogy with the novels The Knife of Never Letting Go (2008), The Ask and the Answer (2009) and Monsters of Men (2010) . The Chaos Walking trilogy is flanked by the three short stories The New World (2009), The Wide, Wide Sea (2013) and Snowscape (2013), which were published digitally and can be accessed free of charge on the Internet. In 2010 Ness' short story Different for Boys was published . His novel A Monster Calls (2011) is the completion of a novel idea by the author Siobhan Dowd, who died of cancer in August 2007 . They had never met, but had the same editor at Walker Books, Denise Johnstone-Burt. At the center of the novel is a boy who is confronted with his mother's cancer. Also in 2011 was Ness' short story Let Me Entertain You . Recent publications by Ness include the short story The Fifth Doctor - Tip of the Tongue (2013) and the novels The Crane Wife (2013) and More Than This (2013). In 2015 Ness' new novel The Rest of Us Just Live Here was published .
On the subjects of his books for young readers, Patrick Ness says:
"My books for teenagers have all ended up being about being heard. About being taken seriously. About being treated as a complex creation who doesn't always get things right but - importantly - also doesn't always get things wrong. "
Ness' books have been translated into more than 12 languages (including Chinese, German, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish). With New World - Die Flucht (2009, English The Knife of Never Letting Go , 2008), New World - Das dunkle Paradies (2009, English The Ask and the Answer , 2009) and New World - The burning knife (2010) are all three novels of the Chaos Walking trilogy also appeared in German translation. The series title New World chosen for this translation refers to the fictional setting of the series, a planet called New World that has only been populated by humans for a few years .
With the novel Seven Minutes After Midnight (2011, English A Monster Calls , 2011) another book by Ness is available in German translation. The short story Für Jungs anders ( Different for Boys , 2010) was published in German in 2012. Ness's latest novels Die Nacht des Kranichs (2014, English The Crane Wife , 2013) and Mehr als das (2014, English More Than This , 2013) are now available in German translation.
For his literary work, Ness has been awarded a large number of literary prizes. For A Monster Calls he received the Carnegie Medal in 2012 , after he had won this award for The Knife of Never Letting Go . A Monster Calls also won the Kate Greenaway Medal , the sister medal of the Carnegie Medal , for Jim Kay's illustrations . For the first time in the history of the award, both awards went to the same book.
In March 2014 it was announced that Juan Antonio would film Bayona Ness' novel A Monster Calls . The film opened in the US on October 16, 2016. Ness wrote the script for the film. Seven Minutes After Midnight was first shown at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival .
Press review
The Knife of Never Letting Go (2008) / New World - Die Flucht (2009)
"A bleak and unflinching novel with fascinating characters and extraordinary dialogue which creates a fully-realized world that the reader really buys into. The dog Manchee is an inspired creation! Ness conveys a real sense of terror and the ending is devastating. A novel that really stands out. "
About all three parts of the Chaos Walking / New World trilogy
"An unbelievably thrilling read that nevertheless poses profound questions - about the effects of war, the constraints of love and hate, the competing claims of vengeance and forgiveness - as the epic tale of Todd's efforts to escape various warmongering forces unfolds. Profoundly humane and utterly magnificent. "
The Ask and the Answer (2009) / New World - The Dark Paradise (2009)
"A visceral and compelling story of incredible power which combines some fantastic writing with intelligent consideration of some important issues: the nature of war, terrorism and the treatment of women. A challenging novel which really lives inside your head. "
Monsters of Men (2010) / New World - The Burning Knife (2010)
"An outstanding novel, involving huge ideas about life, death and love that really challenges the reader to think about big questions. The split narrative works extremely well, the style is highly distinctive, and the main characters are beautifully drawn. "
"By any stretch of the imagination - and this is a book which profoundly stretches exactly that - Monsters of Men is an extraordinary achievement. Within its pages, Patrick Ness creates a complex other world, giving himself and the reader great scope to consider big questions about life, love and how we communicate, as well as the horrors of war, and the good and evil that mankind is capable of . It's also an enthralling read that is well nigh impossible to put down. Reviews on the CILIP Carnegie Medal shadowing site bear out our conviction that despite being part of a remarkable trilogy, this is a novel that both stands alone, and stands out. "
A Monster Calls (2011) / Seven Minutes After Midnight (2011)
"There's no denying it: this is a profoundly sad story. But it's also wise, darkly funny and brave, told in spare sentences, punctuated with fantastic images (“Her scariest frown burnt into her face like a scar”) and stirring silences. Past his sorrow, fright and rage, Conor ultimately lands in a place - an imperfect one, of course - where healing can begin. A Monster Calls is a gift from a generous storyteller and a potent piece of art. "
"An exquisite piece of writing of great depth which has huge impact upon the reader, guiding them through some difficult emotional lessons. Well plotted and lyrically written with not an unconsidered word, it also handles the relationships between the central characters brilliantly. "
“ A Monster Calls is an exquisite piece of writing. It is a beautifully economical, structurally brilliant and lyrically descriptive account of a challenging episode in one child's life. One of our judges - bereaved at a young age - said she wished that she'd had A Monster Calls to read then, because while it describes the nature of grief with an extraordinary clarity it also fills the reader with a spirit of hopefulness and a love for life that is profound and lasting. We'd go so far as to say that this is one of the defining books of its generation. "
“In the interweaving of reality and fantasy, Patrick Ness tells the story of a grief process in all its facets of grief, despair, anger, the wish that it would finally come to that, and of shame at thinking this. Bettina Abarbanell has translated the story in a worthy narrative tone. The figure of the monster, borrowed from ancient myths and legends, is a convincing metaphor for the inconceivable of death, for finitude, for the old question of good and evil. Seven Minutes After Midnight is a poetic and powerful novel that tells the child reader an important story about life - and about its end. "
More Than This (2013) / More than that (2014)
"What would your hell look like? This is what Carnegie Medal -winner Patrick Ness asks readers to ponder in More Than This [...]. [...] This is a dense book, a mess-with-your-head book. A book that must be put down, pondered and then picked back up. It is a gorgeous story with masterful pacing and unforgettable passages that make staying with Seth as he realizes that “[i] f there really is more to life, I want to live all of it "utterly worth it."
"Few young adult novels make quite such an immediate impression as More Than This , the new title from the widely praised Patrick Ness [...]. [...] The narrative - enthralling in its many strands and complexities - is dominated by Ness's empathetic understanding of the ache and yearning of the adolescent experience, of that sense of its being a period that might appear to offer all sorts of possibilities, only to see many of them cruelly frustrated. "
“When I finished Patrick Ness' More Than This , my first thought was Ness has written the 21st century's version of JD Salinger's Catcher in the Rye . My second was I need to assign this in a lit class because much like Salinger's book (and John Green 's more recent The Fault in Our Stars ), Ness' young-adult novel is a game-changer. This genre-bending, pulse-pounding book is provocative and philosophical and sweet and darkly funny and it's destined to be discussed and debated. [...] To say anymore about this brilliant book would demand tiptoeing across a minefield of spoilers. So let me close by suggesting that if you have young adult readers in your life, find a way to bring this book to their attention and then step away. Let them figure it out for themselves. "
“The finale is dramatic but this is an impressively challenging and philosophical book for young adults, because Ness, author of the prize-winning book A Monster Calls , captures the ambiguity and bewilderment of being young and the uncertainty of what will happen to any of us next in life. There are some painful and wretched scenes (the worst terrors are left to your imagination) but the novel offers hope, too. Hope that bravery, loyalty, optimism, a sheer survival instinct and friendship are real and can override horror. It is a long book - 480 pages - but it is captivating throughout. "
"This is a philosophical book which echoes manifold human anxieties about the universe. What if this peculiar world in which we live is really just a simulacrum? Perfect for thoughtful, inquisitive teens. "
Original English language edition | German-language first edition | Remarks |
2003: The Crash of Hennington , Flamingo (London), ISBN 978-0007139422 | novel
not published in German translation |
2005: Topics About Which I Know Nothing , Harper Perennial (London), ISBN 978-0007139446 | Short story collection
not published in German translation |
2008: The Knife of Never Letting Go , Walker (London), 2008 ISBN 978-1406310252 | 2009: New World - Die Flucht , translation into German: Petra Koob-Pawis, Ravensburger (Ravensburg), ISBN 978-3473352999 | novel
First volume of the Chaos Walking trilogy |
2009: The Ask and the Answer , Walker (London), ISBN 978-1406310269 | 2009: New World - The Dark Paradise , translation into German: Petra Koob-Pawis, Ravensburger (Ravensburg), ISBN 978-3473353101 | novel
Second volume of the Chaos Walking trilogy |
2009: The New World | Short story
Prequel to the Chaos Walking trilogy is content to The Knife of Never Letting Go read only published digitally, downloadable for free not published in German translation |
2010: Monsters of Men , Walker (London), ISBN 978-1406310276 | 2010: New World - The Burning Knife , translation into German: Petra Koob-Pawis, Ravensburger (Ravensburg), ISBN 978-3473353255 | novel
Third volume in the Chaos Walking trilogy |
2010: Different for Boys , in: Losing it , editor: Keith Gray , Andersen (London), ISBN 978-1849390996 | 2012: For boys differently , in: Losing it , editor: Keith Gray , translation from English: Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn , Rowohlt Rotfuchs (Reinbek), ISBN 978-3499216039 | Short story |
2011: A Monster Calls , Illustration: Jim Kay, Walker (London), ISBN 978-0763655594 | 2011: Seven minutes after midnight , translation into German: Bettina Abarbanell , cbj (Munich), ISBN 978-3570153741 | Novel with illustrations |
2011: Let Me Entertain You , in: One For The Trouble - Book Slam Vol. 1 , Book Slam (London), ISBN 978-1908615039 | Short story
not published in German translation |
2013: The Fifth Doctor - Tip of the Tongue , in: Doctor Who - Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories , Puffin (London), ISBN 978-0141348940 | 2014: The Fifth Doctor: Bad Tongues , in: Doctor Who - 11 Doctors, 11 Stories , Translation from English: Christian Humberg, Cross Cult / Amigo Grafik (Ludwigsburg), ISBN 978-3864253126 | Short story
The anthology also includes short stories by Eoin Colfer , Michael Scott , Marcus Sedgwick , Philip Reeve , Richelle Mead , Malorie Blackman , Alex Scarrow , Charlie Higson , Derek Landy, and Neil Gaiman |
2013: The Wide, Wide Sea | Short story
belonging to the Chaos Walking trilogy, its content can be read from The Ask And The Answer only published digitally, can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet not published in German translation |
2013: Snowscape | Short story
belonging to the Chaos Walking trilogy, its content can be read according to Monsters of Men only published digitally, can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet not published in German translation |
2013: The Crane Wife , Canongate (Edinburgh), ISBN 978-0857868718 | 2014: Die Nacht des Kranichs , Sibylle Schmidt (translation from English), Goldmann (Munich), ISBN 978-3442313563 | novel |
2013: More Than This , Walker (London), ISBN 978-1406350456 | 2014: More than that , Bettina Abarbanell (translation from English), cbj (Munich), ISBN 978-3570162736 | novel |
2015: The Rest of Us Just Live Here , Walker (London) | novel |
year | Movie | Function of Ness |
2016 | Seven minutes past midnight | Adaptation of his novel of the same name |
Nominations and Awards
date | book | Nomination / award | Doping |
04/26/2008 | The Knife of Never Letting Go / New World - Die Flucht | James Tiptree, Jr. Award | 1,000 US dollars |
08/12/2008 | The Knife of Never Letting Go / New World - Die Flucht | Manchester Book Award 2009 longlist | |
09/24/2008 | The Knife of Never Letting Go / New World - Die Flucht | Guardian Award | 1,500 pounds sterling |
11/18/2008 | The Knife of Never Letting Go / New World - Die Flucht | Booktrust Teenage Prize | 2,500 pounds sterling |
04/01/2009 | The Ask and the Answer / New World - The Dark Paradise | Costa Book Award in the children's book category | 5,000 pounds sterling |
04/24/2009 | The Knife of Never Letting Go / New World - Die Flucht | Carnegie Medal shortlist | |
09/21/2009 | The Ask and the Answer / New World - The Dark Paradise | Shortlist of the Booktrust Teenage Prize | |
04/23/2010 | The Ask and the Answer / New World - The Dark Paradise | Carnegie Medal shortlist | |
05/11/2010 | Chaos Walking / New World trilogy | Inclusion on the list Best Children's Books Ever of The Guardian in the category 12-years-old and over | |
10/28/2010 | Monsters of Men / New World - The burning knife | Galaxy National Book Awards shortlisted for WH Smith Children's Book of the Year | |
03/04/2011 | Monsters of Men / New World - The burning knife | Arthur C. Clarke Award shortlist | |
06/23/2011 | Monsters of Men / New World - The burning knife | Carnegie Medal | undoped |
04/11/2011 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Galaxy National Book Awards in the Children's Book of the Year category | |
December 17, 2011 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Inclusion in the list The Best Children's Books of 2011 of The Wall Street Journal | |
12/22/2011 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Inclusion in the list Our favorite books of 2011 the Chicago Sun-Times | |
December 23, 2011 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Inclusion in the list The year's best books for young readers of The Telegraph | |
02/18/2012 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Red House Children's Book Award | |
03/15/2012 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Nomination for the German Youth Literature Prize in the children's book category | |
06/14/2012 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Carnegie Medal | undoped |
06/14/2012 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | Kate Greenaway Medal for Jim Kay, the illustrator of A Monster Calls | undoped |
10/11/2012 | Complete works | Nomination for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2013 | |
October 12, 2012 | A Monster Calls / Seven Minutes After Midnight | German youth literature award in the youth jury category | 8,000 euros |
10/10/2013 | Complete works | Nomination for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2014 | |
07/12/2013 | More Than This / More than that | Inclusion on The Telegraph's 100 Best Books for Christmas list | |
12/14/2013 | More Than This / More than that | Inclusion on the list Best books of the year for children and young adults of The Irish Times | |
12/30/2013 | More Than This / More than that | Inclusion in The Telegraph's Top 10 YA books of 2013 list | |
01/23/2014 | More Than This / More than that | Shortlist for the Kitschies Award in the Red Tentacle category for the best novel |
Festival participation
date | festival |
September 2014 | Children's and youth program at the 14th Berlin International Literature Festival |
Web links
- Literature by and about Patrick Ness in the catalog of the German National Library
- Short biography and list of works on the website of the British Council (English)
- Patrick Ness in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database (English)
- Works by and about Patrick Ness at Open Library
- Ness website (in English) and Twitter presence (in English)
- Opening speech by Ness at the children's and youth program at the 14th Berlin International Literature Festival
- Interview with Ness on
- More Than This : book trailer (in English), book trailer (in German) - video interview with Ness (in English) - discussion suggestions for school lessons (in English)
Individual evidence
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- ↑ Archived copy ( memento of the original dated February 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Archived copy ( memento of the original dated February 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
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- ^ The New World
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- ↑ Masters, Tim: Carnegie Medal: Patrick Ness book A Monster Calls scoops double honors at, June 14, 2012 (accessed June 15, 2012).
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- ↑ James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award Council: James Tiptree, Jr. Award 2008 Winners [1]
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personal data | |
SURNAME | Ness, Patrick |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | American-British writer |
DATE OF BIRTH | 17th October 1971 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Alexandria , Virginia, United States |