Siri Sunde

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Siri Sunde (born May 15, 1958 in Bergen ) is a Norwegian theologian and pastor of the Norwegian Church . She caused a stir in the late 1990s when she entered into a same-sex partnership and was finally allowed to remain a pastor.


Sunde grew up in the western Norwegian city of Bergen. After attending secondary school, she studied philology at the University of Bergen and the University of Oslo . She completed her studies in 1983 and then worked as a catechist in the province of Troms until 1990 . However, since she wanted to become a pastor, she began studying theology at the University of Oslo, which she graduated in 1994. In 1995 she was vicar in the Diocese of Hamar for half a year .

In January 1996, the then openly lesbian sin was solemnly appointed pastor and she was given a job as a chaplain in Nordre Land in Torpa . The approach led to nationwide interest, but since she received local support, she continued to set up the diocese. Sunde became an important symbol in the struggle of the LGBT community for more recognition in the Norwegian Church. On June 28, 1997, she entered into a civil partnership with the refugee counselor Eleanor Brenna, which again attracted national and international attention, as she was the first female pastor in a registered same-sex partnership in Norway. Sunde then took leave of absence on the advice of Rosemarie Köhn , the then Bishop of Hamar, but did not quit.

At the synod in autumn 1997, a resolution was passed that people living in same-sex partnerships should not be employed as pastors. Since Bishop Köhn was of the opinion that the rule did not make a clear statement about sin, she passed the case on to Lærenemnd . This was an ecclesiastical organ that was supposed to express its opinion on problems relating to Lutheran teaching and church employees. At the hearing in October 1998, however, it decided not to deal with the case, as it was outside the remit of the panel. The case was finally discussed further and on February 1, 1999 Rosemarie Köhn announced that Sunde was allowed to remain a chaplain in Nordre Land. In autumn 1998 another pastor was hired in Oslo, who had also entered into a civil partnership.

Sunde finally remained active as a pastor in Nordre Land until the end of 2008. She then became a pastor in Brøttum in Ringsaker municipality . Together with Halvor Moxnes , she held the funeral service for Wenche Lowzow in 2016 . In 2019 she left her job in Brøttum and moved to Oslo.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Line Fosser Vogt: Sunde jubler for ny liturgi. January 30, 2017, accessed February 20, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  2. Vivian Stensrud: Siri Sunde snakker ut. September 24, 2014, accessed on February 20, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  3. ^ Hallgeir Elstad: Den norske kirkes Lærenemnd . In: Store norske leksikon . January 22, 2018 ( [accessed February 20, 2020]).
  4. Siri Sunde fortsetter som prest. Retrieved February 20, 2020 (Bokmål in Norwegian).
  5. Anne Hoff cheek: avskjed Tårevåt. December 1, 2008, accessed February 20, 2020 (Norwegian).
  6. Wenche Lowzow (1926-2016): Tok farvel med homo-pionér. Retrieved February 20, 2020 (Bokmål in Norwegian).
  7. NRK: Siri Sunde slutter. August 26, 2019, accessed on February 20, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).