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The Sirventes (of prov. Sirven "servant soldier", such as "servant poem"; also . Nordfrz Serventois and ital. Serventese ) is one of the main genres of altokzitanischen Trobadordichtung the Middle Ages. Originally, it was neither stipulated in terms of content nor stanzas - the shape of the canzone was often used, but was not absolutely necessary - and takes its name from the fact that it was written as a commissioned poem. In addition to simpler stanzas of three or four lines with linked rhymes , the Sirventes later also adopted the artful Canso form. It can be seen as a preliminary stage to Dante's terzinen . The term Sirventes was from the mid- 12th century, only for the jocular, satirical or moral-political Schelt- and Rügelieder the spielmannsdichtung used.

The Sirventes were initially strictly separated from the courtly poetry of the Trobadors , especially from the Provencal minstrel . The first examples go back to the songs of the jugglers (prov. Joglars ). This tradition was later cultivated by Guiraut de Bornelh, Dalfin d'Alvernhe and Raimon de Miraval as Sirventes joglaresc . From the middle of the 12th century onwards, the Sirventes were increasingly integrated into courtly poetry. They have been a recognized art form since Bertran de Born . The variety of topics developed to

  • moral-time-critical Sirventes, the z. B. complained about the decline of chivalry ; many songs belong to the Planhs .
  • political sirventes who reprimanded rival princes or clerics and criticized the political situation; Bertran should be mentioned above all among the poets who were critical of the war and the crusades .
  • literary critic Sirventes who dealt with contemporary poetry and Minnepoetics ; they often overlap with the Ensenhamen .
  • subjective Sirventes, which at the same time transcend the boundaries of the genre and address the singers' personal conflicts with the work of other trobadors ; Besides Guilhem de Berguedan , Bertran was one of the leading poets here too.

The critical function gave the Trobardor poetry a new direction because, unlike the Canso , it could censure all contradictions of real life to the ideals of art and society. This tradition was also taken up in Middle High German literature , e.g. B. in Walthers von der Vogelweide political poetry or in Wolframs von Eschenbach Defense at the end of the second Parzival book.

Under the influence of European Marian poetry , Sirventes also took up religious themes in the 14th century .


  • Dietmar Rieger: Genres and genre names of trobador poetry. Investigations on the old Provencal Sirventes . (Habilitation thesis) Tübingen 1975