Slueterhaus Dierkow

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The Slüterhaus Dierkow is the church and the parish hall of the Slüter parish in the Rostock district of Dierkow . The community belongs to the Rostock provost in the Mecklenburg parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany .

History and description of the building

With the expansion of the military industry and the associated influx of a large number of workers, additional living space was required in Rostock. In the 1930s, a number of suburban settlements emerged, including those in Dierkow-Ost and Dierkow-West. These houses were mainly intended for the employees of the Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke .

On March 31, 1937, the residents of Dierkow joined the parish of St. Petri and on April 1, 1950, an independent parish Dierkow was founded, named "Slütergemeinde" after the Rostock reformer Joachim Slüter . The first pastor was Karl-Friedrich Steinhagen from 1950 to 1979, followed by Willi Passig from 1979 to 2003 and Ulrich von Saß from 2003 . The foundation stone of the parish hall was laid on January 30, 1950. On August 19, 1951, the house was consecrated by the regional bishop Niklot Beste . A bell from the “ Glockenfriedhof ” Hamburg, which is rung by hand, found its place in the wooden bell tower . The construction took place under difficult financial conditions, many community members did practical work. The plans at that time also provided for the construction of a church, these were never implemented.

On the ground floor there are two rooms with a kitchenette that are used for various community events. The church hall with lead glass windows is on the upper floor. The church hall offers space for around 90 people. In 1997 the bell tower was renewed.

For the 50th Kirchweihtag on August 19, 2001, symbols were ceremoniously unveiled on the Slüterhaus. An open Bible is shown, which is supposed to remind of the sermons of Slüters, the horizontal wave symbolizes the Warnow , whose bank is near the church. With a vertical bar, the wave forms the Christian cross symbol.

Today the districts of Dierkow-Ost and Dierkow-West, Alt Bartelsdorf, Hinrichsdorf, Nienhagen, Peez and the prefabricated building area Dierkow-Neu belong to the Slüter municipality .


The baptism, altar, pulpit and pews date from the time the church was built. The benches were later divided to allow flexible use of the hall. A votive ship hangs in the center aisle . The model given to the community in 1971 shows the Rostock brig "Hope", which was lost at sea in 1862.


The organ positive was built in 1965 by the organ building company Wilhelm Sauer from Frankfurt (Oder) . Mechanical slide chests are used as wind chests in this instrument. The organ action is also mechanical. The instrument has 1 manual with 54 keys (C - f3) an attached pedal (C - d1), a total of 302 pipes and 4 stops. The principal pipes D to G sharp2 are in the organ's prospectus. The register "Scharff" was converted in December 2017 by the organ building company Arnold from Plau am See (formerly the company Nußbücker) by closing some pipes to the register of a " fifth ".


  • Wooden 8 '
  • Reed flute 4 '
  • Principal 2 '
  • Fifth (formerly Scharff 2-3 fold)

See also

Web links

Coordinates: 54 ° 6 ′ 3.9 ″  N , 12 ° 9 ′ 15.6 ″  E