Slim Aarons

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Slim Aarons (born October 29, 1916 in New York City , †  May 29, 2006 in Montrose , New York , actually George Allen Aarons ) was an American photographer who mainly photographed members of the so-called "fine society", jet setters and celebrities .

Career as a photographer

At the age of 18, Aarons was enlisted in the United States Army , worked as a photographer at West Point and later as a photographer during World War II, and was awarded a Purple Heart Order.

After the war, Aarons moved to California and began photographing celebrities. New Year's Eve 1957 he shot in California its much vaunted Photo Kings of Hollywood , where Clark Gable , Van Heflin , Gary Cooper and James Stewart relax in a bar in formal dress. Aaron's work has appeared in Life , Town & Country and various holiday magazines.

Aarons is said to never have sought the help of stylists or makeup artists.

In Alfred Hitchcock's film The Window to the Courtyard , whose main character is a photographer played by Jimmy Stewart, Aaron's apartment is the template for the film apartment.

Aarons died in 2006 of complications following a stroke .

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