Smith Peaks

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Smith Peaks
Highest peak Dunlop Peak ( 1330  m )
location Mac Robertson Land , East Antarctica
part of Framnes Mountains
Smith Peaks (Antarctica)
Smith Peaks
Coordinates 67 ° 57 ′  S , 62 ° 29 ′  E Coordinates: 67 ° 57 ′  S , 62 ° 29 ′  E

The Smith Peaks are a group of mountain peaks in the Framnes Mountains in Mac Robertson Land, East Antarctica . They rise up in the David Range immediately south of Mount Hordern .

Norwegian cartographers mapped it using aerial photographs taken during the Lars Christensen Expedition in 1936/37 . A new mapping was carried out in campaigns carried out from 1957 to 1960 as part of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions . The Antarctic Names Committee of Australia (ANCA) named them in 1959 after Frank Aswell Smith (* 1920), a diesel engine mechanic at Mawson Station in 1958.

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