Solimano (Perez)

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Work data
Title: Solimano
Shape: Opera seria
Original language: Italian
Music: Davide Perez
Libretto : Giovanni Ambrogio Migliavacca
Premiere: first version: 1757
second version: 1768
Place of premiere: Palazzo Ajuda, Lisbon
Place and time of the action: Babylonia , 16th century
  • Solimano (Soliman / Süleyman), Emperor of the Turks ( tenor )
  • Selimo (Selim), firstborn son of Solimans ( old - castrato )
  • Persane, daughter of the Safavid Tamasse of Persia ( soprano )
  • Barsina, sister of Osminus (soprano)
  • Zanghire (Cihangir), second-born son Solimanos (soprano castrato)
  • Osmino (Osmin), Agha the bodyguard Emperor Solimanos (tenor)
  • A page, some pashas, ​​entourage, guards (silent roles)

Solimano is a baroque opera in three acts by Davide Perez . A first version was premiered for the carnival in 1757 in the Palazzo Ajuda in Lisbon, but the revised version from 1768 is widely regarded as his masterpiece.

Unlike the original version of Solimano - libretto by Giovanni Ambrogio Migliavacca that of Johann Adolph Hasse in 1753 also as Solimano was set to music for the first time for the Dresden court, does not exist here two Turkish-Persian lovers, but only one and beside a Turkish-Turkish. Probably because of the huge success of the premiere, the libretto was adopted in its original form by several composers, and by others in a second version, which Perez also set to music.


The Turkish sultan Solimano ( Süleyman I ) sent his eldest son Selimo and his half-brother Zanghire (Cihangir) to war against the Shah of Persia, Tamasse ( Tahmasp I ). As a result of the campaign, Selim is supposed to marry the Shah's daughter, Persane, and become ruler of Turkey and Persia. The current sultana Roselane ( Roxelane ), mother of Zanghire and stepmother of Selimos, has spun an intrigue with Grand Vizier Rustano (Rüstem) to eliminate stepson Selimo and make her own son Zanghire the sultan. Afterwards Rustano is supposed to convince Sultan Solimano that his son Selimo intends to overthrow him. Solimano goes to Babylon with Osmino and his sister Barsina, who is engaged to Zanghire. There Selimo's half-brother Zanghire proves to be loyal to his brother, exposes the intrigue and kills Rustano. Selimo and his father are reconciled and both original lovers (Selimo and Persane as well as Zanghire and Barsina) are allowed to marry.

Second version

The second version, first performed in 1768, is widely regarded as Perez's masterpiece. By mixing the “old”, baroque style of the opera seria with elements of the opera buffa , by increasing the proportion of dramatically designed accompaniment recitatives accompanied by the orchestra (compared to secco recitatives only supported by basso continuo ) and by making the seria more flexible. Elements (e.g. omission of the da capo part of the arias) are among the composers who have overcome the traditional seria baroque opera. Some of the scenes are fully composed in terms of composition and accompanied throughout by the orchestra.

Cast of the first performance of the second version:

  • Solimano - Luigi Torriani
  • Selimo - Giuseppe Jozzi
  • Persane - Giovanni Battista Vazques
  • Barsina - Giuseppe Orsi
  • Zanghire - Lorenzo Maruzzi
  • Osmino - Lorenzo Giorgetti

Modern performances

A modern revival of the version from 1768 took place in 2010 and again in 2011 as part of the Granada Music Festival . In the lead was Juan Bautista Otero , who with his orchestra, the Real Compania de la Opera de Camara (RCOC) dug up forgotten masterpieces and wrenched performances at festivals and CD recordings from oblivion. His focus is particularly on works that were created in Catalonia or were of musical historical significance for it. In the majority of his projects, he presented otherwise completely forgotten musicians to modern listeners. The cast of these performances consisted of

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Original libretto of Hasse's premiere in 1753 as a digitized version at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich