Sun shot

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Sun shot from a dinghy, recognizable by the sunken spinnaker

The spontaneous change of direction of travel of a sailing yacht to windward due to severe heeling , which can not be prevented by putting the rudder, is referred to as sunshine . The name is misleading because this unwanted course change has nothing to do with the direction towards the sun .

The reason for the behavior of the yacht is that under certain wind conditions and sail settings a sailing ship becomes very eager to luff , whereas the helmsman has to put the rudder in order to stay on course. Must be placed too much rowing, it comes at the rudder blade to a stall , the rudder effect is lost and the ship luffs uncontrollably.

The phenomenon can both upwind - and on downwind occur. It becomes dangerous when the yacht gets out of hand under the spinnaker . There is a risk that the large tree will dive into the sea due to its steep heel. Often the ship can only be brought back under control by recovering the spinnaker. Under the spinnaker, the ship can break out to leeward, which inevitably leads to a patent jibe and thus to considerable danger for the crew.

On the wind , it is usually possible to get the ship under control again by raising the main sail in good time and to get back on course with the remaining voyage. Sometimes, however, the ship luffs so quickly that the crew cannot react and the ship makes a turn ; analogous to the patent jibe, one can then speak of the "patent turn ".

Strong windwardness occurs when the sail pressure point is too far aft (aft). By changing the sail trim or reefing the main sail, the pressure point moves forward.

Individual evidence

  1. Segler-Lexikon 13th edition; Joachim Schult; Delius Klasing; ISBN 978-3-7688-1041-8 ; Note: There is only talk of spinnaker courses, but this should be out of date.