Sophia Antoniadis

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Sophia Antoniadis

Sophia Antoniadis , also Sophie , Greek Σοφία Ἀντωνιάδου , also: Ἀντωνιάδη (born July 31, 1895 in Piraeus ; † January 25, 1972 in Athens ) was a Greek Byzantinist and Neo-Graecist .


From 1929 on, Antoniadis was an extraordinary professor (buitengewoon hoogleraar) who succeeded Dirk Christiaan Hesseling on the chair for early Christian, Byzantine and modern Greek language and literature at the University of Leiden . In 1930 she received her doctorate in Paris with a dissertation on the language of the Gospel of Luke written by Hubert Pernot . In 1953 she was appointed full professor (gewoon hoogleraar). Antoniadis was the first woman to hold a professorship at Leiden University. After her retirement in 1955, she was director of the Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini in Venice until 1966 .

After her doctorate, she mainly worked on Pascal's Bible translation and liturgy in the literary tradition, but also on the development of the modern Greek language, on the Ptochoprodromika ("Poems of poor Prodromos") by the Byzantine writer Theodoros Prodromos as well as on Erotokritos and Θυμσία του Αβραυμσία του Αβραυμσμα του Αβραυσία του Αβραυσία του Αβραυσία του Αβραυσία του Αβραυσία του Αβραυσία ("Sacrifice of Abraham") by an unknown Venetian-Cretan poet of the 15th century.

Fonts (selection)

  • L'Evangile de Luc, esquisse de grammaire et de style. Thèse pour le doctorat ès Lettres présentée à la faculté des lettres de l'Université de Paris, 1930.
  • Pascal, traducteur de la Bible. Thèse supplémentaire pour le doctorat ès lettres présentée à la Faculté des lettres de l'Université de Paris, 1932.
  • Place de la Liturgie dans la tradition des lettres grecques. AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1939. (Review by J. Gouillard, in: Études byzantines 1, 1943, pp. 289-291, online ).
  • De l'influence de la langue du droit byzantin sur le grec d'aujourd'hui. Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire, Bruxelles 1932.


  • AGF van Holk et al. (Ed.): Antidoron aangeboden aan Professor Doctor Sophia Antoniadis ter liesheid van hair afscheid van Nederland door vrienden en Leerlingen. Sl (Leiden) 1956.
  • Journal des Savants. Klincksieck, 1961, p. 95.
  • Μνημόσυνον Σοφίας Ἀντωνιάδη. Pozza, Venice 1974 (Βιβλιοθήκη τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Ἰνστιτούτου Βενετίας Βυζαντινῶν καὶ Μεταβυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν, 6). - Commemorative ribbon
  • Revue des études byzantines. Volume 33/34, 1975.

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