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Entrance area of ​​the Sophie-Hedwig-Gymnasium
type of school high school
founding 1965

Danziger Strasse 30

place Diez
country Rhineland-Palatinate
Country Germany
Coordinates 50 ° 21 '49 "  N , 8 ° 0' 56"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 21 '49 "  N , 8 ° 0' 56"  E
carrier Bad Ems district administration
student about 650
Teachers about 60
management Frank Schmidt

The Sophie-Hedwig-Gymnasium (SHG) is a public high school in Diez an der Lahn . Around 650 students are currently being taught by around 60 teachers. The school has been a certified European school of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate since 2019 . The headmaster has been Frank Schmidt since 2017.

Name and story

The school was founded on April 28, 1965 as the "Staatliches Gymnasium Diez". It was renamed in 1996 after Sophie Hedwig von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1592–1642), wife of Count Ernst Casimir (Nassau-Dietz) . The name is intended to commemorate the civil courage of the Duchess during the Thirty Years' War when she protected the townspeople of Diez from the Swedish troops.

The school and the “Theodissa Realschule plus Diez” belong to the Diez school center.

Lessons offered

It is a general high school sponsored by the Rhein-Lahn district that leads to the Abitur in nine years. From grade 5, English is taught as a compulsory foreign language; in grade 6, you can choose between French and Latin as the second compulsory foreign language. The elective Spanish can be taken from grade 9. From the 2019/2020 school year there will be a "Spanish zero course" with which a second foreign language can be learned from grade 11.

Since the beginning of the 2009/2010 school year, the Sophie-Hedwig-Gymnasium has had an extensive all-day school offer that is offered in cooperation with the Theodissa Realschule plus.

Orientation level

The SHG has an independent orientation level with the school's own additional curriculum, with which the students are prepared for work at the gymnasium. Since the 2018/2019 school year, social skills training has been implemented in the orientation level in order to strengthen cohesion within the class community. In addition, all students receive basic information technology training in grade 6.

From grade 5 onwards there is the option of attending a class with a bilingual profile. Students in these profile classes receive additional English lessons in grades 5 and 6 in order to be prepared for bilingual lessons in one of the social studies subjects (geography, history and social studies) from grade 7 onwards.

Extracurricular offers and activities


The school has been a partner school for sport since 2009 and has received an award from the Ministry of Education . She is also a multiple national winner at JtfO in handball and has successfully participated in numerous other sporting competitions. The triathlon competition "SophieTri" is held annually in the Diez / Limburg region . The school has also been a DFB training school since 2014 .

Social Commitment

The school is involved in a senior visiting service in cooperation with the AWO , the maintenance of the Jewish cemetery and the support of various charitable institutions with the income from Christmas bazaars, charity runs and summer festivals.

Partner schools

The extensive exchange offer of the SHG currently includes programs with partner schools in France , Poland and the USA .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter-Joerres-Gymnasium becomes a partner school of sport Article with a list of all partner schools of sport on the side of the state government of Rhineland-Palatinate. Retrieved June 3, 2019.
  2. ^ School with Courage Sophie-Hedwig-Gymnasium on page School without Racism. Retrieved June 3, 2019.
  3. Euroscola 2018 List of the award winners on the website of the European Parliament. Retrieved June 3, 2019.