Sparkasse Korneuburg

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Logo of the savings banks  Sparkasse Korneuburg AG
Country AustriaAustria Austria
Seat Sparkassenplatz 1, 2100 Korneuburg
legal form Corporation
Bank code 20227
founding 1869
Association Austrian Savings Bank Association
Business data 2017
Total assets 631.1 million euros
Employee 70
Offices 9
Board Armand A. Drobesch, Ingeborg Wingelhofer
Supervisory board Wolfgang Peterl (chairman), Alfred Gehart (1st deputy), Manfred Nowak (2nd deputy)
Corporate management

Armand A. Drobesch

List of savings banks in Austria

The Sparkasse Korneuburg AG is a Lower Austrian banking company based in Korneuburg and part of the savings bank group in Austria . It was created in 1869 as a community savings bank. The Sparkasse is a member of the cooperation and liability association of the Austrian savings banks and the Austrian savings bank association .

Founding history

Since the decree of the district office calling for the establishment of savings banks in 1820, the efforts of the Lower Austrian Lieutenancy were unsuccessful until 1859. Around 1865 the municipality of Korneuburg oriented itself financially strongly towards the Sparkasse Hollabrunn . In mid-October 1868, after a renewed suggestion, a founding committee was formed. A month later, the decision was made to found a community savings bank and to assume liability for 4,000 guilders through the community . At the beginning of December, the municipal council approved the statutes and the rules of procedure. After the Lieutenancy's approval in principle of the establishment in mid-May 1869, the statutes were confirmed in early July. At the end of July 1869 it was finally possible to open.

Structural development of the main institute

When it was founded, the savings bank was on the first floor of the town hall (town hall), and in 1876 the mayor's office was added. The Sparkasse has not had to pay any interest since 1879. At the same time as the decision to build a new town hall in 1893, the administration of the city was separated from that of the Sparkasse. Since the beginning of December 1895, the location of the Sparkasse has been on the first floor of the new town hall . In 1919 the savings bank was supposed to be relocated, but neither a suitable house nor a restaurant could be found. In November 1928 negotiations began to buy their own house at Hauptplatz 28, and in time for the 60th anniversary in 1929, the Sparkasse was able to move in after a complete renovation. Destruction from the Second World War made it necessary to renovate the facade in 1948. In 1959 the whole main facility was rebuilt. In 1976/77 there was an extension, in 1981 and 2001/02 modernization changes. The building took on its current appearance in 2007/08. Customer requirements for discreet consultation areas, a necessary expansion of the back office area and increased security requirements made it necessary to convert or expand the top floor.

Foundation, endowment

With a resolution dated June 3, 2008, the board of directors of the former Sparkasse der Stadt Korneuburg decided to transfer the banking operations to Sparkasse Korneuburg AG. This resolution was approved unanimously by the Savings Banks Council on June 4, 2008 and the required approval of the Korneuburg municipal council was also unanimously granted on July 21, 2008. Sparkasse Korneuburg AG was entered in the commercial register on August 30, 2008 under number FN315215 b. From this point on, the operational business was carried out at Sparkasse Korneuburg AG. The remaining share management savings bank, which holds the shares in Sparkasse Korneuburg AG, was brought into the Sparkasse Korneuburg private foundation.

Key data

The first day of office in the Sparkasse in Korneuburg was in 1869. It took 24 years before the administration of the Sparkasse was separated from the municipal administration. In 1895 new premises were moved into the town hall. In 1914, the Sparkasse Korneuburg entered the transfer business of the Central Bank of German Savings Banks. A credit association was founded in 1921. In 1929 the Sparkasse acquired the property at Hauptplatz 28 and opened in November after adapting the previously existing Sparkasse house. In 1946, after war damage in the Second World War, the savings bank activities in the renovated Sparkassenhaus were resumed. School savings were introduced three years later. After a major renovation, Federal President Adolf Schärf reopened the building in 1959 . Ten years later, among the guests celebrating the 100th anniversary of Sparkasse Korneuburg u. a. Federal President Franz Jonas . In the 1970s, the branch network was massively expanded. In 1981 the so-called "Altmann era" came to an end (Otto Altmann was Sparkasse director from 1948 to 1981). In 2008 the Sparkasse der Stadt Korneuburg was converted to Sparkasse Korneuburg AG.

Non-profit projects / sponsoring

In accordance with Section 22 of the Savings Banks Act, Sparkasse Korneuburg has been making donations annually for the general public to the municipality of Korneuburg and the surrounding communities since it was founded. With these donations, many projects could be realized. Examples from history were the construction of the community school around 1886, to which 20,000 guilders were contributed, the renovation of the town hall tower a year later, the construction of the town hall in 1893 and five years later the construction of the steam bath and tub. In the first half of the 20th century, the Sparkasse supported the construction of the municipal bathing establishment in 1907, the secondary school, the Schubert monument and the Holy Trinity Column. After the Second World War, the construction of the hospital in 1953, the renovation of the Augustinian Church in 1955, the purchase of an ambulance for the Red Cross and other support for the Red Cross, the local museum and the hospital were made.

In the more recent past the renovation of the Augustinian Church, the renewal of two windows in the parish church, the improvement of the structural condition of the city museum, the renovation of the town hall tower and the town hall meeting room, the support in the construction and operation of the Korneuburg ice rink, as well as ongoing sponsorship in the areas of culture, sport and schools (culture: Korneuburg Music Summer, Langenzersdorfer Culture Cycle, Sparkasse Cabaret Cycle, Korneuburg Music Days, etc.) for the public's purpose.

In sport, Sparkasse Korneuburg supported the ASC-Marathon Sparkasse Korneuburg, Union Handball Sparkasse Korneuburg, Union Tischtennis Sparkasse Korneuburg, the Korneuburg City Run and the Florian Berndl Run through club sponsorship. The Sparkasse also supports the volunteer fire brigade , the Red Cross, the Volkshilfe , an aid organization and needy private individuals financially in the social and charitable area .


  • Otto Cap: 130 years of the Korneuburg District Court. Salzer - Ueberreuter, Korneuburg 1984.
  • NEWS Anniversary Sparkasse: 125 years of the Sparkasse of the city of Korneuburg. Korneuburg - June 1994
  • ADVANTAGE - Customer magazine of Sparkasse Korneuburg AG - Korneuburg: Vogelmedia, Bisamberg October 2008.
  • Savings Bank Handbook 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b query for bank code 20227. In: SEPA payment transactions directory of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) . (Requires browser reloading.)

Coordinates: 48 ° 20 ′ 39.8 ″  N , 16 ° 19 ′ 56.5 ″  E