Spathocera dalmanii

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Spathocera dalmanii
Spathocera dalmanii.jpg

Spathocera dalmanii

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Edge bugs (Coreidae)
Subfamily : Coreinae
Tribe : Coreini
Genre : Spathocera
Type : Spathocera dalmanii
Scientific name
Spathocera dalmanii
( Schilling , 1829)

Spathocera dalmanii is a bug from the family of border bugs (Coreidae).


The bugs are 5.7 to 6.4 millimeters long. The relatively small, gray-brown marginal bugs can be identified by their pronotum , which is much longer than wide and pale on the sides . The head, antennae and pronotum have no thorns and the scutellum has two dark, wedge-shaped spots. Due to their coloring, they are well camouflaged on sandy soils.

distribution and habitat

The species is distributed in Europe from the northern Mediterranean to the south of Great Britain and Scandinavia. In the Mediterranean area it occurs only in montane locations. In Germany it is widespread in the northern lowlands in the sandy areas and is not uncommon, in the south it is less common and only widespread locally. In Austria it is only documented from Burgenland and Lower Austria, mostly through older finds. In Great Britain the very rare species is mainly limited to heaths in the south ( Norfolk - Dorset ). Dry and warm sandy habitats with loose vegetation are settled.

Way of life

The animals live on the ground and are bound to dockers ( Rumex ), especially small sorrel ( Rumex acetosella ). The nymphs suckle directly on the plants, the adults rarely climb on the plants and especially suckle on falling seeds. The bugs have also been found among other plants such as sarothamnus , but it is not known whether these are also food plants. The overwintering takes place as an imago, often in groups near the food plants in grass groves or under detritus . Mating takes place from April to July, especially May and June. The females lay their eggs individually on the stalks of the food plants or on the ground. The nymphs can be observed especially in June and July, the adult animals of the new generation from the end of July or August. Outside the mating season, the adults are hardly active in flight.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Wachmann: Wanzen , Vol. 3, p. 215
  2. a b Spathocera dalmanii. British Bugs, accessed June 22, 2014 .


  • Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 3: Pentatomomorpha I: Aradoidea (bark bugs), Lygaeoidea (ground bugs, etc.), Pyrrhocoroidea (fire bugs) and Coreoidea (edge ​​bugs, etc.). (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life . 78th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2007, ISBN 978-3-937783-29-1 .

Web links

Commons : Spathocera dalmanii  - collection of images, videos and audio files