Spider-hunting pygmy wasp

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Spider-hunting pygmy wasp
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Crabronidae
Genre : Miscophus
Type : Spider-hunting pygmy wasp
Scientific name
Miscophus spurius
Dahlbom , 1832

The spider-hunting pygmy wasp ( Miscophus spurius ) is a hymenoptera from the Crabronidae family . The species is endangered by habitat destruction .


The wasp reaches a body length of 4 to 6.5 millimeters. Her body is shiny black and only slightly hairy. The wings have two cubital cells, of which the second cell is stalked. The species is to be confused with a number of other species of the genus Miscophus . The common Miscophus bicolor differs from it by its abdomen, which is colored red at the base.


The species occurs in Central Europe in river valleys and in the dune areas adjacent to them. It is rare. Sandy areas without vegetation are populated there, preferably on inland dunes. The animals fly from June to August.

Way of life

The spider-hunting pygmy wasp provides its brood with spiders, especially crested-web spiders (Theridiidae). The prey is brought into the nest in flight. The latter is dug in loose sand.

supporting documents
