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Henricia leviuscula

Henricia leviuscula

Trunk : Echinoderms (Echinodermata)
Sub-stem : Eleutherozoa (Eleutherozoa)
Class : Starfish (asteroidea)
Order : Barbed stars
Family : Echinasteridae
Scientific name of the  order
Perrier , 1884
Scientific name of the  family
Verrill , 1867

The Echinasteridae are starfish that have a conspicuous net-like surface. They do not have pedicellariums. Their arms are usually slender and round in cross-section. Many species are extraordinarily colorful, often red or yellow.

Some species and their way of life

The genus Echinaster consists mainly of tropical species and also lives in coral reefs . The purple star ( Echinaster sepositus ) lives in the Mediterranean and in the eastern Atlantic between the Cape Verde Islands and Brittany . It often has six to seven arms and is strikingly red or orange in color.

Henricia lives in cold seas, both in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere , but is absent in tropical seas. Henricia sanguinolenta also lives in the North Sea and the western Baltic Sea. It is also strikingly red, orange or yellow in color.

The Echinasteridae feed on tiny particles, which they transport to the mouth with the help of the cilia on the epidermis .

Some species do a kind of brood care and lie on the eggs laid and guard them until the larvae hatch.


According to the World Register of Marine Species (Christopher Mah, 2012), the Echinasteridae are the only family of the order Spinulosida (spiky stars), to which the sun stars were previously included (today Valvatida ).



  • SA Fosså, & AJ Nilsen: Coral reef aquarium. Volume 6, Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim 1998, ISBN 3-928819-18-6 .

Web links

Commons : Echinasteridae  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Christopher L. Mah, Daniel B. Blake: Global diversity and phylogeny of the Asteroidea (Echinodermata) . In: PLoS ONE . tape 7 , no. 4 , 2012, p. e35644 , doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0035644 , PMID 22563389 , PMC 3338738 (free full text) - (English).
  2. Christopher Mah: Spinulosida Perrier, 1884 . In: Christopher Mah: World Asteroidea database. World Register of Marine Species , 2015.