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Spolierenberg residential area and the Bamme district of the Nennhausen community, excerpt from the Urmes table sheet 3440 Premnitz from 1840

Spolierenberg is a residential area in the Bamme district of the Nennhausen community in the Havelland district in Brandenburg. Shortly after 1700 a tar furnace was built here. A pitcher was created later , and some Büdner settled there . The tar kiln ceased operations around 1850.


Spolierenberg is 2.2 km southwest of the center of Bamme and 6.8 km southeast of the city center of Rathenow in the so-called Königsheide , a larger forest area between Rathenow , Premnitz and Bamme in the Havelland district, Brandenburg. The town center is 30  m above sea level. NHN . It can be reached via small connecting roads from Rathenow and from Bamme. To the southwest of the settlement lies the Dachsberg at a height of 40.5  m above sea level. NHN .


The settlement is first documented in 1704. At that time, the councilman Semlien from Rathenow owned the tar stove on the Spolierenberg in the Rathenowschen Heide. The name Spolierenberg was taken over from the locality, the Spolierenberg (which was later called Dachsberg). The name derives from mhd. Spolieren = rob, steal, plunder (cf. the common field name Räuberberg).

In 1723 the tar furnace belonged to a J. Schöneberg. At that time Spolierenberg was one of the three tar ovens in the Königsheide, next to the tar oven from Adermann ( Adermannshütte , later called Königshütte ) and the tar oven from A. Lietze ( Lietzenhütte ). In 1730 the Spolierenberg tar furnace burned down, but was rebuilt. A pitcher had also been erected by 1745. In 1772 37 people lived here. In 1801 Bratring names eight houses in addition to the tar stove, in which four Büdner and three granny families lived next to the Teerschweler and Krüger. At that time 50 people lived in the small settlement. The tar glider was also the Kruger. In 1850, a contract was signed with the tar swelter Karl Friedrich Gustav Schönberg on the redemption of his rights to remove heavy goods from the Königsheide. He was waived taxes and was given a pension and a lumber allowance and a quarrel . But he retained the right to forest pasture. In 1860 Spolierenberg was designated a colony; there were 8 residential buildings and 15 farm buildings. The place had 45 inhabitants.

Strangely enough, around 1800 Spolierenberg belonged to the Tangermünde Office , then to the Ziesar Office in the Duchy of Magdeburg until 1816/7 . The place then came to the office of Lehnin and was a community-free establishment until 1858 . This year Spolierenberg joined the forest district of Grünaue. After the estate districts were dissolved in 1928, Spolierenberg was incorporated into the municipality of Bamme. Bamme is now a district of the community of Nennhausen, Spolierenberg is a residential area in this district.


  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg. Part III Havelland. 452 p., Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1972, p. 367/68.
  • Sebastian Kinder (Hrsg.): The Havelland around Rathenow and Premnitz, a regional study. XIX, 454 pp., Cologne, Böhlau Verlag, 2017 ISBN 978-3-412-22297-0 , p. 334.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reinhard E. Fischer : Brandenburg name book. Part 4: The place names of the Havelland. Böhlau, Weimar 1976, p. 211.
  2. Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv: Online research: Long-term lease contract of November 22, 1828 for the Kruger Schöneberg in Spolierenberg for 2 acres of 36 square rods in Grünau forest. 1827-1831
  3. Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv: Online research: Contract of March 11, 1850 with the tar barley owner Karl Friedrich Gustav Schönberg in Spolierenberg on the redemption of his right to freely remove barley material in return for the waiver of taxes and the granting of a pension, a wood debit and the transfer of a stain and the fixation of his right to graze in the woods. 1850


  1. The name of the Teerschweler family is spelled alternately Schönberg or Schöneberg.

Coordinates: 52 ° 34 '  N , 12 ° 25'  E