Leap saga

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The jump saga is a sub-form of the saga . It is always about bold leaps from great heights.

There are the following leap sagas, among others:

  • The Harrassage from the Saxon Zschopautal , made famous by Theodor Körner's ballad Harras the bold jumper : Knight Harras from Lichtenwalde Castle jumped with his horse, pursued by enemies and without a way out of the house between Frankenberg and Braunsdorf (Niederwiesa) .
  • According to legend, the giant Bodo once pursued the beautiful king's daughter Brunhilde, whom he wanted to marry against her will. Brunhilde escaped on a white steed, but suddenly a deep abyss opened up in front of her. Brunhilde made a bold jump from the Hexentanzplatz to the rock on the other side, but the pursuer fell into the depths. The impression of the horse's hoof can still be seen today as a rosstrappe in the Harz Mountains . The giant Bodo gave the river Bode its name.
  • Ludwig der Springer (died 1123) is said to have tried to obtain the Palatinate County of Saxony, which is why he gave the Count Palatine Friedrich III. stabbed. He spent three years in the dungeon at Giebichenstein Castle near Halle an der Saale. Before the impending execution, he jumped from the castle tower into the hall. There his servant was waiting for him with a boat.
  • The Grünhain monk Reinhard, pursued by the Hussites, jumped from the rock of the Hohe Holz and was miraculously unharmed.
  • A nun jumped from the nuns rock near Erlabrunn , while the knight chasing her fell into the Schwarzwasser (Zwickauer Mulde) . As a result, the monk and nun escaped the persecutors.
  • Knight Georg saved Schwarzenberg / Erzgeb. before the Lindwurm, but had to pay for his deed with his life by jumping off the dead stone.
  • Haubold von Ende was riding home from Rabenstein Castle in Chemnitz towards Wolkenburg when he was followed by bush thieves. He saw no other way out than to jump off the rock with his horse. The horse perished, but Haubold escaped from the hollow by swimming. Today the rock is called Hauboldfelsen.
  • The knight of Heldrastein returned to his castle after a raid at a frenzied run and accidentally sat over the steep slope on the summit. When he fell he shouted “Ave Maria!”, Survived the jump unscathed while his horse was crushed. From then on he gave up his predatory existence and became a monk.
  • In 1632 the lord of Rheineck Castle saw the Swedes approaching. All his men died in battle, but the lord of the castle was spared. While fleeing from the Swedes, he soon reached the Reuterslei rock. Surrounded by the enemy, he jumped his horse down into the depths and reached the other bank of the Rhine.
  • In 1796, after the lost battle at Wetzlar, a scattered French rider jumped from the Bodenstein, a rock as high as a house, into the Lahn and thus escaped his pursuers.
  • Jungfernsprung near Dahn / Südwestpfalz: A long time ago a girl was chased by a man up in the forest, and since she had fled from rock to rock on the ridge of the mountain and couldn't save herself, she plunged down from the protruding mountain forehead the abyss; Wonderfully preserved, it came to the bottom of the meadow, where a spring soon gushed up that is still alive today (from August Becker - The Palatinate and the Palatinate, 1858).