Nobility register of the Duchy of Carniola from 1824

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The Ständische Adelsmatrikel the Duchy of Krain is an official list of noble families that once the Krainer Inkolat had owned. As the nobility register of the restored Duchy of Carniola, again part of the Austrian Empire, it represents an important contemporary document after the Napoleonic era in this country. A copy of the register is kept in the Slovenian archive.

Historical background

After Napoleon Bonaparte's abdication, the old corporate order was reintroduced in the Duchy of Carniola on the basis of Section 15 of the highest patent of August 29, 1818 on the reintroduction of the corporate constitution . In the course of this reorganization of the socio-political, fiscal, territorial and legal conditions, it was also necessary to record the noble families of Krains, who were once rural in the duchy and who were to regain this status. So in 1824 - and for the first time - a class register of nobility for the Duchy of Carniola was created.

In the Duchy of Carniola, which Napoleon had incorporated into the Illyrian Provinces he had created, the estate order was reintroduced relatively late - not until 1818. With the first Paris Peace Agreement of May 30, 1814, French rule also ended de jure in the Illyrian provinces, which were awarded to Austria . The question arose how the territorial reorganization should be accomplished. After lengthy negotiations, it was decided in 1816 to create a kingdom of Illyria . However, this kingdom only existed on paper and that until 1918 in the form of another title of the ruler and the specially created coat of arms: A golden ship on a blue background .

Already at the beginning of 1814 people suspected of being Francophile were subjected to persecution and visitations. Masonic lodges were forbidden and everyone believed to be Masons was meticulously monitored. In the same year, civil status registers were returned to the clergy. All those who were only married under civil law had to be married in church, otherwise the marriage would be annulled.

The corporate order was introduced, but only in appearance and in particular in administrative , tax and tax law . All the French innovations that strengthened state power were retained in the administrative system. The district offices were reorganized, but the manors were not given back the privilege of patrimonial jurisdiction and that of collecting taxes.

Responsible author of the register

  • Joseph Camillo Freiherr von Schmidburg, heir from Trier, k. k. real secret council, chamberlain, estate of the Kingdom of Bohemia and the duchies of Carinthia and Carniola, governor in the kingdom of Illyria, president of the estates of the Duchy of Carniola, temporary protector of the k. k. Agricultural and Philharmonic Society, then the Sparcasse-Verein zu Laibach. The Schmidburg (Schenk v. Schmittburg) are a middle-Rhine prehistoric noble family who lived with Giselbert v. Schmidburg was first documented in 1263. Friedrich Freiherr v. Schmidburg, the father of Camillo.
  • Vinzenz Freiherr Schweiger von Lerchenfeld, k. k. real chamberlain, officer of the gentry.
  • Joseph Ritters von Kalchberg, kk real council, ordained a knight.

The face of the register

The register includes 494 names of people who were granted the Carniolan estate. Many landständische in Krain noble families have gone before creating this Adelsmatrikel and many generations acquired only after the creation of the register the Krainer Inkolat . The register contains many new names that are actually untypical for the Duchy of Carniola. In the matriculation, the name with the current title is mentioned first, followed by the first occurrence in Krain as far as this was understandable from the documents used for the creation of the matriculation; then the sources are given. The spelling of the names and the texts were left as they are in the original.

Certificates, documents and records used for the preparation of the matriculation

When creating the nobility registers, apart from the Landmann letters and the state parliament protocols, the so-called Perizhoff register and the landscape coat of arms from 1463 were used.

Members of the Perizhoff family were the most famous registrars in Carniola. The grandfather Markus († 1693), father Markus Joseph (1656–1721) and his son Karl Seyfried (* 1694). Karl Seyfried created lists of correspondence in his own way on the basis of other models. In a similar way, he and Christian Heil reorganized the archives of the Vizedomat von Krain.

The coat of arms of the landscape mentioned here from 1463 refers to a list of duties and taxes that were imposed on the Carniolan estates in connection with the creation of the contingent for defense purposes.

Matriculation entries (examples from a total of 494)

Georg Governor of Carniola, 1425 according to v. Perizhoff directory, without indication. Mr. Octavian, then Christoph and Andreas von Auersperg, in the v. Perizhoff register from 1507, without evidence. Mr. Hanns and Dietrich von Auersperg sit in the Landtag in 1566, Prot :: No 1, Fol :: 254. Mr. Weikhard Freiherr von Auersperg, Governor in Krain 1576, Prot :: No 2, Fol :: 197. Prince Karl Joseph, Duke of Gotschee, on June 25, 1792, on his request as a prince duke, for himself and his successors in the imagined Herzogthume Gottschee, at daily meetings, if the same or his successors occupy this personal one, a special seat and the privilege of the first vote , immediately after the prince-archbishop of Laibach and the gentlemen decreed, therefore before all other princes, counts, barons and knights. Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: A, No 10. Auersperger, Hanns, occurs in the landscape coat of arms of 1463.

  • (50.) Codelli, von Fahnenfeld, now Barons,

Mr. Peter Antoni, exchange owner, was accepted for himself and his loaf heirs, and in the absence of these, the eldest of his name, to be a farmer at the Diet of August 26, 1698; vide Proto: No 40, Foll: 500 et 501, then Landmanns Revers Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: C, No 9.

  • Dornberg, from,

Thomas, Comentur zu Möttling, sat in the Landtag on January 31, 1587; vide proto: No 4, Foll: 537, Baron Franz Raimund introducirt May 11th 1685. Vide Proto: No 30, Foll: 524, et introductions application and approval, Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: D, No 3.

  • Dornberg, from,

Johann, kk Rath der Inneröst. Regimental Chancellery proprio motu, against fulfillment of the requisite, added to the state estate, March 5, 1630; vide Proto: No 15, Foll: 521, Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: D, No 4.

  • Fin, de, Freiherr,

Mr. Emanuel complained to the Diet of May 5, 1639 that his sons were accepted as lords and country people, but that he was expelled; about which he was accepted against the fact that he should invest 8000 Fl-Kr in the estate coffers and draw no interests from it for three years; the name of his sons, who had previously been taken up as estates, could not be found: vide Proto: No 17, Foll: 330. Andreas was adopted as the estate for himself and his descendants on May 7, 1650; vide Proto: No 18, Foll: 142 - 144, Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: F, No 3.

  • Frangipan, Count of Tersaz,

Mr. Wolf, General of the Croatian Sea Frontier, secret councilor, sat in the state parliament on January 14, 1642; vide Prot: No 17, Foll: 443. Niclas Graf von Tersaz was accepted as a farmer on the recommendation of Archduke Carl of Austria etec: ddo Vienna on January 12, 1566: vide Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: F, No 6.

  • Gallenberg, also Gallenberger, from, now counts,

Mr. Seifried appears in the Peritzhof directory as early as 1405. Mr. Jobst the younger appears in the coat of arms of 1463. According to the Peritzhof directory, Mr. Friedrich and Leonhard appear in 1607, and Mr. Jobst was provincial administrator in Carniola in 1560; Sigmund sat in the Diet of October 25, 1569, vide Proto: No 1, Foll: 298, as did he and Hanns on February 12, 1571, vide Proto: No 1, Foll: 335.

  • Haller, from, now Barons von Hallerstein,

Herr Georg appears in the state parliament on January 12, 1568; item Herr Jacob on May 22, 1616; vide Proto: No 1, Foll: 254 et Proto: No 9, Foll: 647.

Mr. Linhart appears in the von Peritzhofischen directory in 1507, Mr. Bernardin in 1517 without a citation. Mr. Hanns Albrecht was head captain in Zengg in 1637; vide proto: No 17, Foll: 225, April 30, 1640 Messrs Georg Ernst and Georg Sigmund were accepted as country people; vide Proto: No 17, Foll: 367.

  • Lamberg , from, now princes and counts,

Herr Jörg appears in the above-mentioned letter of arms from 1453; Caspar, Sigmund, Gregor and Christoph come from the Peritzhof register in 1507. According to Valvasor's list of provincial governors, Mr. Joseph zu Ottenstein and Ortenekh was in Krain in 1546, as was Mr. Jakob zu Stein and Guttenberg in 1558. Mr. Wolf appears in 1555 in Prot: No 1, Foll: 50. Mr. Max from anno 1668, Prot: No 1, Fol: 266. This family belongs to the historical ones.

  • Oberburg, from,

Mr. Balthasar sat in the regional assembly in 1571; vide Prot: No 1, Foll: 394.

Herr Hermsa and his sons Juan Sforza, Anton and Carl were accepted as landlords on February 16, 1605 as pledges of the Senoschetz rule; vide Prot: No 8, Foll: 310, Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: P, No 18.

Herr Cosmus sat in the Diet on February 15, 1568; vide Prot: No 1, Foll: 254. Mr. Adam in the Diet of April 9, 1587; vide Prot: No 5, Foll: 56. This family is very common in the following protocols.

  • Raunach, from,

Herr Martin and Jakob appear in the Peritzhof register of country people as early as 1446; Mr. Andreas, pledgee on Premb, sat in the Diet of February 20, 1528; vide Prot: No 3, Foll: 204.

  • Wagen, von, Herr Walthasar appears in the coat of arms of ddo Neustadt on Wednesday after St. Eberhardtstag 1463.
  • Wagen, von, Herr Christoph appears in the Landtag protocol of February 14, 1571; vide protocol: No 1, Foll: 340
  • Valvasor, from,

Mr. Johann Bapt. He sat in the Diet on December 17, 1571 and at later Diets; vide Prot: No 1, Foll: 432 et Prot: No 8, Foll: 178. - Weikhard Freiherr von Valvasor was the famous author of the “Honor of the Duchy of Carniola”.

  • Vavisor to Gallenegkh, from,

Herr Hieronimus was accepted as a farmer in the assembled Diet on April 12, 1602; vide Prot: No 8, Foll: 181 et Fasc: Landmannsbriefe Litt: V, No 4.

  • Vega, Baron of,

Mr. Georg Ritter of the Imperial and Royal Military Maria Theresa Order and Major in the Imperial and Royal Bombardier Corps, was accepted as a farmer in the Landtag on November 26, 1801; vide the Landtag - minutes of this date, ständ. Exhib. No 2445 de 1801.

Herr Hanns sat in the Diet on May 8, 1591; vide Prot: No 6, Foll: 85.

See also


  • Nobility register of the Duchy of Carniola from 1824
  • Bogo Grafenauer : Zgodovina slovenskega naroda, V. zvezek , Ljubljana 1974 (History of the Slovenian People, Volume V),
  • Marija Oblak-Černi et al .: Arhivi v Sloveniji (Archives in Slovenia), Ljubljana 1970
  • Genealogical handbook of the nobility (Volume 125 of the complete series) - Adelslexikon - Volume XII , Limburg / Lahn 2001