Stéphane Nonnenmacher

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Stéphane Nonnenmacher (born March 27, 1972 in Caen ) is a French mathematician and mathematical physicist who deals mathematically with quantum chaos , decoherence and the semiclassical limit value of quantum mechanics.

Stéphane Nonnenmacher, Oberwolfach 2011

Nonnenmacher attended school in Tunis (until 1989) and studied theoretical physics at the École normal supérieure from 1991 to 1995 , among others with Édouard Brézin . In 1993 he was at Brown University with John M. Kosterlitz . In addition to theoretical work, he also worked experimentally (for example on atomic clocks and high-temperature superconductors) until his dissertation. He received his doctorate in 1998 under André Voros at the research center in Saclay ( Eigenstates of classically chaotic systems in phase space ). As a post-doctoral student , he was with Martin Zirnbauer at the University of Cologne from 1998 to 2000 . From 2001 to 2015 he was at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the CEA in Saclay . Since 2015 he has been Professor of Mathematics at the Université Paris-Sud. He is co-organizer of the Claude Itzykson seminar at IHES and a seminar on spectral problems in mathematical physics at the Institut Henri Poincaré .

In 2010 he was a Von Neumann Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study . In 2003 he was at MSRI .

He organized conferences and summer schools on quantum chaos at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics in Vienna, at CRM in Montreal and in Bordeaux, among others .

Nonnenmacher is the editor of Nonlinearity.


  • Editor with Bertrand Duplantier , Vincent Rivasseau Chaos , Poincaré Seminar 2010
  • with Nalini Anantharaman , Herbert Koch Entropy of Eigenfunctions , Proc. Boarding school Congress Mathem. Physics 2006
  • with Anantharaman: Half-delocalization of eigenfunctions for the Laplacian on an Anosov manifold , Annales Inst. Fourier, Volume 57, 2007, pp. 2465-2523

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