St. George's Chapel (Roßberg)

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The St. Georgs Chapel is a chapel in the Schenkenzeller district of Kaltbrunn on the Roßberg, not far from the Reinerzauer Valley ( Kleine Kinzig ) in the Upper Kinzigtal area in the Black Forest , Baden-Württemberg . The chapel was built in 1577 on the site of a St. George's Church, which was laid down in the course of the Reformation in 1547, in baroque style and offers space for 100 people.


In a complete list from the year 1275 of the Diocese of Constance , the parish of the Georgskirche on the Roßberg was at that time. So it was initially a church. The courtyards ob der desert and Kaltbrunn belonged to the parish. In 1327 church rights were transferred from the Roßbergkirche ( patronage ) by Counts Walther von Geroldseck and Georg von Veldenz to the Wittichen monastery . The parish on the Roßberg was dissolved at the request of the Wittichen monastery in 1481, the parish rights went to the Wittichen monastery. The lords of Geroldseck were attested in 1344 as the owners of the Reinerzauer valley. In 1498 the Geroldseckers pledged large parts of the Schenkenzell estate to Wolfgang, Count zu Fürstenberg , a cousin of Gangolf von Geroldseck , including the church on the Roßberg.

Count Wilhelm von Fürstenberg introduced the Reformation in his country in 1542 and had the old St. George's Church torn down in 1547. In the course of the Counter-Reformation , the valley became Catholic again in 1570. With the secularization in 1803, the ownership of the St. George's Chapel finally passed to the Princes of Fürstenberg , who are responsible for the maintenance of the chapel to this day. In 1974 the roof of the Princely House was re-covered with wooden shingles because they had become damaged.

In 2000 the princely family had an appraisal of the costs of a renovation drawn up. The chapel is to be used for funeral ceremonies in a nearby cemetery .

Parallels from the origins of the church to the patron saint

Georgskirchen usually go back to very early times, which suggests that this church site is very old. Saint George was a patron saint of the Roman and Bavarian missionaries . April 23rd commemorates St. George's victory over the dragon , which became a symbol of paganism , a symbol that the knight conquered and thereby overcame.

Georg churches were often the successors of once pagan places of worship . St. George had killed the dragon and thus symbolically overcome pre-Christian forms of belief and led him over to Christianity . Equestrian processions in honor of St. George still commemorate the Christian knight every year. Such processions used to be held annually on April 23rd on the Roßberg. So there are many indications that the small Georgskirche on the Roßberg is much older than its first mention in 1275. It is therefore more likely that the Georgskirche was the successor to such a pagan place of worship and its origins around the year 1000 AD . The song of St. George tells about the victory of light over darkness and about warding off calamity in house and court. Also symbolic is a change from paganism to Christianity.


Coordinates: 48 ° 22 ′ 49.7 ″  N , 8 ° 21 ′ 8 ″  E