St. Georg (Horn)

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New Catholic Parish Church St. Georg in Horn in Lower Austria
Right side altarpiece Black Madonna von Altbrünn by Martin Johann Schmidt (1779)
Organ, case Anton Pfliegler and Johann Pfliegler (1806), work: Orgelbau Felsberg AG (2003)

The new parish church of Horn is the dominant building on the church square in the municipality of Horn in the Horn district in Lower Austria . The St. Georg dedicated Roman Catholic Today's parish church is part of the Office of the Dean Horn in the diocese of St. Poelten . The church is a listed building ( list entry ).


The previous building burned down in 1529. From 1594 to 1597 the church was built by the builders Reichard von Puchheim, his mother Elisabeth, Mayor Dionys Zierckh and schoolmaster Veit Kunis as a Protestant hall church with a post-Gothic exterior structure with a west tower. In 1620 the two-story Protestant wooden gallery was torn down. After the Puchheim was deposed, the church went to the Piarists in 1621. In 1680 the church received a baroque south portal, in 1681 a sacristy with an oratory was added. A new west gallery based on plans by Leopold Wißgrill was installed in 1738. In 1880 the tower was regotated and renewed. From 1959 to 1961 the gallery and the oratory were changed.


The exterior of the church has a nave with stepped buttresses, pointed arched windows, and a grooved eaves cornice under a steep gable roof. On the north side, an inscription plate with a scrollwork frame mentions Dionisy Zierckh 1594. The south portal from the end of the 16th century has fluted pilasters on high lion head posts and a three-part entablature with strapwork decoration and the original coffered door leaf. In the lintel niche stands the Baroque figure of Rosalia behind a wrought iron grille The outer portal frame from 1680 has pilasters in front of a half-pilaster, cornice and a volute-flanking rectangular top with triangular gable, in a pilaster-flanking shell niche stands the group of figures Holy Change and in the triangular gable God the Father , on the volutes Joachim and Anna selbdritt . In the flanking buttresses there are round arch niches with the figures Rochus and Sebastian .

The drawn-in lower one-bay choir with a flattened rounded end has pointed arch windows to the south and two baroque arched windows in the apse. The sacristy adjoining the choir to the east is from 1691. To the north of the choir yoke is a two-storey oratorio extension.

The five-storey tower in front of the nave in the west shows a corner cuboid, pointed arched windows, and carries a high, steep pyramid roof with corner turrets, a Gothic pointed arched window with tracery noses on the third tower floor is from 1880. The western tower portal is round-arched and shows fighters. On the left in the corner of the tower there is a semicircular stair tower with a spiral staircase.

The interior of the church shows a four-bay, single-aisled nave under a barn with lancet caps with a continuous longitudinal mirror on entablature consoles with knobs, a mirror field and ridges with richly decorated terracotta-colored stucco.


The east wall is structured like a retable with stucco marble and shows the high altarpiece Georg around 1730. The right rococo side altar shows the oil painting Black Madonna von Altbrünn painted by Martin Johann Schmidt (1779).

The organ has a case by Anton Pfliegler and Johann Pfliegler (1806) with a work by the Rieger brothers (1914)


Web links

Commons : St. Georg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 39 ′ 50.2 "  N , 15 ° 39 ′ 26.9"  E