St. Georgen Brewery

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St. GeorgenBräu Kramer GmbH & Co. KG
legal form GmbH & Co. KG
founding 1624
Seat Buttenheim , Germany
management Norbert Kramer
Branch brewery

St. Georgen-Bräu in Buttenheim

The St. Georgen-Bräu is a beer brewery from Buttenheim in the Upper Franconian district of Bamberg . With an annual output of 40,000 hectoliters, it is the largest brewery in the district.


The brewery was founded in 1624. From 1814 to 2009 the St. Georgen-Bräu was owned by the Modschiedler family before it was taken over by master brewer Norbert Kramer, who has been working in the company since 2000.


The brewery produces the beer types Pils , Helles , Kellerbier , Weizenbier , dark country beer, Märzen , Levi beer, Annafest beer (from May), dark Doppelbock (from October), festival beer (from October), light Bock beer (from October) and Buttenheimer Hopfenzupfer (from October). In addition, the St. Georgen-Bräu produces the "cave drink" of the Wagner-Bräu Pottenstein using the contract brewing process .

Individual evidence

  1. St. Georgen-Bräu on

Coordinates: 49 ° 48 ′ 6.8 ″  N , 11 ° 1 ′ 56.4 ″  E