St. Ingbert Literature Forum

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30th anniversary of the ILF in the St. Ingbert city library (June 2011). In the first row from left: Johannes Kühn (1), Oskar Lafontaine (3), Benedikt Maria Trappen (4), Ludwig Harig (5), Alfred Gulden (7), Elisabeth and Reiner Kunze (8,9)

The St. Ingbert Literature Forum (ILF) is an association of citizens who are interested in literature . The forum has set itself the task of conveying literature and promoting the literature of authors from the greater Saar-Lor-Lux region . These goals are pursued through readings by authors, literary symposia and other projects that aim to promote reading.

The St. Ingbert Literature Forum was founded in autumn 1981. The initiator and driving force was the St. Ingbert radio journalist, literary critic and author Fred Oberhauser , who launched the ILF with like-minded people. An official association status was deliberately renounced at the time, the form of a loose association of those interested in literature should help avoid unwanted bureaucratic developments. At the first event, the author Peter Härtling was supposed to read, but canceled at short notice because he preferred to be in Frankfurt / M at the same time. to demonstrate against the construction of the runway west. The Saarland author Ludwig Harig , who was already renowned at the time, stepped in , made the event a success in front of over 300 visitors and thus helped the project get off to a successful start.

In the years that followed, the ILF held around six to eight author readings a year, in which greats such as Günter Grass , the poet Johannes Kühn or Martin Walser as well as regional writers took part. The operation of the ILF was and is organized by the St. Ingbert city library. The successor to Fred Oberhauser as spokesman for the ILF was the author Sibylle Knauss , who a few years later handed over the baton to the St. Ingbert Germanist and literary scholar Gerhard Sauder .

In June 2011, the 30th anniversary of the St. Ingbert Literature Forum was celebrated with an event that was designed as an homage to Ludwig Harig. Personalities such as Oskar Lafontaine , Reiner Kunze , Siegmund Nimsgern , Johannes Kühn and Alfred Gulden read from their own works and read texts from Harig.


  • St. Ingbert Harmony of Contradictions - 30 Years of the Literature Forum . In: Saarbrücker Zeitung from June 16, 2011
  • Sabine Graf: If you want, you can. Regional literature funding. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung of October 2, 2001