St. Johannes Baptist (Rietberg)

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St. John Baptist

St. Johannes Baptist in Rietberg

Basic data
Denomination Roman Catholic
place Rietberg , Germany
diocese Archdiocese of Paderborn
Patronage St. John Baptist
Building history
Client Johann I. (Rietberg)
Function and title

Parish church

Coordinates 51 ° 48 '28.1 "  N , 8 ° 25' 40.8"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 48 '28.1 "  N , 8 ° 25' 40.8"  E
Floor plan before the renovation in 1897

St. Johannes Baptist is a Roman Catholic parish church in Rietberg, East Westphalia, in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany . The church belongs to the pastoral association Rietberg-Süd in the Archdiocese of Paderborn .


A single-nave parish church already stood in Rietberg in the 15th century. This was struck by lightning on July 24, 1457 and burned down. The new building was started by Count Johann von Rietberg and dragged on for several decades, because a foundation for the vaults of the church can be established for 1516.

In 1654/59 two aisles were added to the church. In 1838 part of the church collapsed. During the time of the reconstruction, the services took place in the neighboring Franciscan monastery. In 1897 the nave collapsed again and had to be rebuilt. But first everything between the choir and the tower was torn down in order to build the main building on more massive foundations.

From 1975 to 1980 the inside of the church was renovated. In particular, the innovations of the Second Vatican Council were implemented. On October 4, 1980, the new altar was consecrated by the auxiliary bishop Paul Nordhues . In 2001 the church was renovated again.


In the church there are figures from the former high altar, Maria and Johannes, which were made around 1720.

The pulpit can be dated to the first half of the 18th century. The font is from 1515.


Franz Henrich Pohlmann created the organ in 1834 . In 1967 the Speith company from Rietberg added a Rückpositiv to the instrument . In 1998 two more registers were added. The instrument has 29 registers, divided into three manuals and pedal.

I Rückpositiv C–
Wooden dacked 8th'
Night horn 4 ′
Minor principal 2 ′
Sif flute 1 13
Zimbel III
Rankett 16 ′
Krummhorn 8th'
II main work C–
Pommer 16 ′
Principal 8th'
Reed flute 8th'
octave 4 ′
Pointed flute 4 ′
Fourth 2 23 ′ / 2 ′
recorder 2 ′
Mixture IV-V
Trumpet 8th'
III Swell C–
Drone 8th'
Salizional 8th'
Vox coelestis 8th'
Wooden principal 4 ′
Schwiegel 2 ′
Sesquialtera II
Scharff IV
Dulcian 16 ′
oboe 8th'
Pedal C–
Sub bass 16 ′
Octave bass 8th'
Dacked bass 8th'
violoncello 8th'
Choral bass 4 ′
Rauschwerk IV
trombone 16 ′

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Organ in Rietberg, St. Johannes Baptist , seen December 25, 2012.

Web links

Commons : St. Johannes Baptist (Rietberg)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files