Stanisław Ostroróg (Voivode)

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Herb Nałęcz, coat of arms of Stanisław Ostroróg

Stanisław Ostroróg , Herb Nałęcz (* 1400 ; † 1477 ), was a Polish voivode from Poznan , castellan from Gniezno and Międzyrzecz (1445–1449), Poznan chamberlain (1438), truchess from Kalisz (1432), starost from Brześć Kujawski (1432 ) and General Starost of Greater Poland .

Life and meaning

His father was in the office of the voivode of Poznan and the general starost of Greater Poland Sędziwój Ostroróg , his mother Barbara z Wojnowice . He was part of the very wealthy Ostroróg noble family . He had three siblings: Jan Ostroróg h. Nałęcz, Sędka Borzysławska, Dobrogost Ostroróg h. Nałęcz .

His children were:

  • Jan Ostroróg (1436–1501), successor as voivode of Poznan
  • Anna (Adma) Pawłowska, b. Ostroróg

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