Stanislaw Podgórski

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Stanisław Podgórski (* 1882 Kałusz near Stanisławów ; † 1964 Nowy Wiśnicz ) was a Polish landscape painter and art teacher.


He studied from 1901 to 1905 and from 1907 to 1909 at the Cracow School of Art with Leon Wyczółkowski , Florian Cynk , Józef Pankiewicz and Jan Stanisławski, and from 1906 and 1907 at the private Parisian art academy Académie Colarossi . Podgórski was a member of the Cracow artist society "Sztuka" (German: Art ) and he gave lessons in landscape painting as a private teacher. He taught this subject in 1911 and 1912 at the Maria Niedzielska Art School for Women in Krakow. Between the two world wars he lived in Krakow , Warsaw and Lemberg . From 1926 he directed a gallery in the Kunsthaus in Lemberg and from 1948 he was the director of the State High School for Arts and Crafts ( Państwowe Liceum Technik Plastycznych ) in Nowy Wiśnicz.

Podgórski painted most of his landscapes in oil and in outdoor spaces . His views of the Tatra Mountains are particularly well known. He simplified his motifs and paid little attention to details. After Dobrowolski, he was a typical representative of the Stanisławski school:

... pewnej zdawkowość traktowania tematów, tym więcej, że koloryt studiów, dość słabo zróżnicowany, był pozbawiony siły i graniczył prawie z anemią. "

- Tadeusz Dobrowolski, 1964

... some banality in the treatment of the topics, all the more so as the coloring of the studies was rather weakly differentiated, powerless, almost anemic. "

- Tadeusz Dobrowolski, 1964

Nonetheless, his paintings were very popular. They have been exhibited several times at the Society of Fine Arts in Krakow, at the Society of Fine Arts in Warsaw and abroad. Pictures were purchased from the national museums in Wroclaw , Krakow , Poznan and Warsaw, as well as from the Royal Castle in Warsaw . The National Bank of Poland also owns one of his works.

References and comments

  1. Florian Stanisław Cynk (1838–1912) was a Polish painter and university teacher (drawing)
  2. according to Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Nowoczesne malarstwo polskie , Volume III, Ossolineum; Wroclaw, Warsaw 1964


  • Tomasz Adam Pruszak, Malarstwo polskie ze zbiorow Narodowego Banku Polskiego ( Polish Paintings in the Collection of the National Bank of Poland ), NBP - National Bank Poland (Ed.), Rosikon Press Verlag, ISBN 978-83-88848-69-8 , Warsaw 2009, pp. 21 and 71