Stanislaus Bialkowski

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Stanislaus Bialkowski (born November 10, 1897 in Kähme ; † November 2, 1959 ) was a German writer .


Stanislaus Bialkowski grew up as the first of eight children of a municipal employee in his hometown and should get a free position at the grammar school due to his good academic performance; However, his strict Catholic father demanded that the son should then study theology and become a clergyman. Stanislaus refused and signed up as a volunteer for the military. He took part in the First World War on the Western Front and survived the Battle of Verdun . After the war he served as a non-commissioned officer in Halberstadt , worked as a caretaker and in the AGO aircraft works in Oschersleben , where he made it up to the department head. After the factories were destroyed by Allied bombers in 1944, he worked in agriculture. After 1945 he became a new teacher and completed distance learning at the age of fifty . He then worked as a teacher for a few years, but suffered from seizures that were caused by a brain tumor . Stanislaus Bialkowski died after a surgical procedure that became necessary for this.

From the early 1930s, Stanislaus Bialkowski published a number of utopian novels. These show numerous motifs from later space operas , often also have racist features and very directly reflect the ideology of National Socialism. In addition, he published a number of romance novels in the booklet series Roman-Perlen of the new publishing house for folk literature .

Works (selection)

  • Beacon in the moon. Fantastic novel , FW Grunow, Leipzig 1934.
  • War in space. Novel from the future of technology , FW Grunow, Leipzig 1935.
  • The power of the invisible star. Novel from the future of technology , FW Grunow, Leipzig 1935.
  • The radium war. Novel from the future of technology , FW Grunow, Leipzig 1937.
  • The stratospheric aviator. A fantastic adventure novel , FW Grunow, Leipzig 1938.
  • Ikaria. Among balloonists and glider pilots , Roman, FW Grunow, Leipzig 1939.
  • Start into space. Fantastic adventure novel, novel, FW Grunow, Leipzig 1941.


  • Franz Rottensteiner : Stanislaus Bialkowski - a German space opera author , in: Alien Contact . Yearbook for Science Fiction and Fantasy , Vol. 4, Shayol Verlag, Berlin 2005, pp. 56–60. ISBN 3-926126-55-8
  • Franz Rottensteiner: Bialkowski, Stanislaus . In: Lexicon of Science Fiction Literature since 1900. With a look at Eastern Europe , edited by Christoph F. Lorenz, Peter Lang, Frankfurt / Main 2016, ISBN 978-3-63167-236-5 , pp. 211-218

Individual evidence

  1. See Franz Rottensteiner: Stanislaus Bialkowski - a German space opera author , in: Alien Contact. Yearbook for Science Fiction and Fantasy , Vol. 4, Shayol Verlag, Berlin 2005, p. 60

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