El Mansour Eddahbi reservoir

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El Mansour Eddahbi reservoir
El Mansour Eddahbi Reservoir and High Atlas
El Mansour Eddahbi Reservoir and High Atlas
Location: Morocco
Tributaries: Oued Dadès , Oued Ouarzazate
Drain: Wadi Draa
Major cities nearby: Ouarzazate
El Mansour Eddahbi Reservoir (Morocco)
El Mansour Eddahbi reservoir
Coordinates 30 ° 56 '10 "  N , 6 ° 46' 36"  W Coordinates: 30 ° 56 '10 "  N , 6 ° 46' 36"  W.
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1965-1972
Height of the structure crown: 70  m
Crown length: 210 m
Crown width: 10 m
Power plant output: 10 MW
Operator: Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, Morocco
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 45.6 km²
Reservoir length 16 km
Reservoir width 1-5 kmdep1
Storage space 560 million m³

Most important reservoir in southern Morocco

The El Mansour Eddahbi Reservoir , sometimes also El Mansour Ad Dahbi Reservoir, is located east of the city of Ouarzazate in the south of the High Atlas in Morocco . The lake area is divided into two parts - the much larger eastern lake is mainly fed by the Oued Dadès ; the smaller western part, on the other hand, from the Oued Ouarzazate and several smaller streams that only carry water in winter and early spring.


The approximately 16 km long and maximally 5 km wide reservoir serves primarily to regulate the Wadi Draa exiting in a south-easterly direction , its flow rate at Agdz or at Zagora between almost 0 m³ and 5600 m³ per second, depending on the season, before the reservoir is completed swayed. As far as Zagora - partly also to Mhamid - a more or less even water supply can be achieved today, on which the approximately 25,000 hectare large date palm groves and fields in the oasis villages along the river are dependent; In addition, a steady flow rate protects the bank zones and thus the agricultural areas from excessive erosion.

Since the reservoir was completed, numerous wealthy Moroccans have built prestigious villas on its rugged shores, the lawns of which are irrigated with the lake water. Fishing is permitted; Motor boats are, however, prohibited.

power plant

The hydropower plant has an installed capacity of 10 MW . The average annual production fluctuates with the flow of water in the Wadi Draa : it was 18.4 million kWh in 2008 and 35.7 million kWh in 2009.

fauna and Flora

The lake is about 30 m deep on average and has become home to several species of fish, which - like frogs, lizards, etc. - are hunted by all kinds of herons. In addition, migratory birds such as ducks and grebes can be found at times , which in turn are the preferred prey of birds of prey and foxes. Small trees, shrubbery and reeds only grow in a few areas of the shore zones, so that no breeding areas have emerged yet.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mansour Ed Dahbi Hydroelectric Power Project Morocco. Global Energy Observatory, accessed April 19, 2015 .