Stefana Sabin

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Stefana Sabin (* 1955 in Bucharest , Romania ) is a German literary scholar and author.

Live and act

Sabin studied in Frankfurt am Main , Haifa and Los Angeles and received his doctorate in 1982 with a work on the American poet Wallace Stevens . She was a lecturer in literature at the schools of the German book trade in Seckbach and works as a literary, art and non-fiction critic, for example for the features section of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung . As a non-fiction author, she edited anthologies of contemporary prose and wrote biographies, for example about the writer Gertrude Stein and the pop artist Andy Warhol .

Stefana Sabin lives in Frankfurt am Main.

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stefana Sabin ,, accessed on June 18, 2014
  2. Quoted from the web link of the University of Zurich