Kilmore Stone Row

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The stones

The menhirs ( English Standing Stones ) of the 18.3 m long row of stones from Kilmore (also called Cnoc Fada, Dervaig B or Dervaig center) are located 850 m east of Dervaig about 230 m northwest of the road B8073 from Dervaig to Tobermory , im Northwest of the Isle of Mull in Argyll and Bute in Scotland .

The Isle of Mull standing stones are unique to Scotland in that they are often arranged in rows ( Baliscate , Dervaig C , Maol Mor , Quinish ) of three to five stones.

The north-west-south-east oriented Kilmore stones stood hidden for a long time in a now cleared pine plantation on a hill. There are five basalt menhirs , of which only two (B and D) are in situ , the others are lying. The two upright stones are 2.4 and 2.5 m high, the lying stones are all 2.4 m long.

See also


  • The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS): Mull, Tiree, Coll Northern Argyll (excluding the Early Medieval later monuments of Iona) (= Report. An Inventory of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. 21 = Argyll . An Inventory of the Acient Monuments. Vol. 3). HMSO, London et al. 1980, ISBN 0-11-491591-1 , pp. 66-67, no. 101.

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Coordinates: 56 ° 35 '24.1 "  N , 6 ° 10' 22.7"  W.