Stephan Enroth

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Stephan Enroth

Stephan Enroth (born February 11, 1701 in Meersburg ; † May 28, 1746 in Bachhaupten ) was abbot of the Salem Imperial Abbey .


Stephan II. Enroth from Meersburg joined the Salem Imperial Abbey in 1720 and studied philosophy and theology in Dillingen , Freiburg and Rome . After being ordained a priest in 1725, he taught theology in the monastery and was a nurse in Alt-Birnau and Schemmerberg . On March 4, 1745 he was elected abbot and in October he was appointed by Prince-Bishop Kasimir Anton von Sickingen .

Abbot Stephan had the dilapidated pilgrimage chapel Alt-Birnau demolished in 1746 with papal approval and the statue of the Virgin relocated to the monastery-owned area, above the monastery castle Maurach . His sudden death at the age of only 45 was perceived by the population as a punishment for the 'kidnapping' of the miraculous image. The plans for the new construction of today's Birnau pilgrimage church were already ready, but were only implemented by Enroth's successor Anselm Schwab .

The oil painting by Gottfried Bernhard Göz shows Abbot Stephan Enroth with the facade design of the pilgrimage church Birnau.


  • Cistercian monastery Salem, in: Helvetia Sacra III / 3, Bern 1982, pp. 341–375
  • Alberich Siwek: The Cistercian Abbey of Salem. The order, the monastery, its abbots. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1984

Web links

Commons : Stephan II. Enroth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files