Stephan Schambach

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Stephan Schambach (born August 1, 1970 in Erfurt ) is a German entrepreneur and pioneer of e-commerce . In 1995 he developed the first standard software for online trading and founded the companies Intershop Communications , Demandware and NewStore .

Schambach grew up in the GDR, where he graduated from the polytechnic high school. With the turnaround and the subsequent currency union, Stephan Schambach broke off his training as a laboratory technician for physics and became a co-partner of Hard & Soft Stanja KG in Jena. In 1992 he founded NetConsult Computersysteme GmbH . Here the change from an IT service provider with hardware sales to a software provider took place. After the first in-house development "Archive 2000", the company introduced the e-commerce software "Intershop Online" in 1995. NetConsult received risk capital for the further development and international marketing of the software . Several rounds of financing enabled growth to several hundred employees worldwide.

Schambach set up the company's first US location in Burlingame near San Francisco in 1996 . In the course of the planned IPO, the provider, now renamed Intershop Communications, acquired the naming rights for the software from the Swiss company Intershop AG. In 1998 the company went public on the Neuer Markt and in 2000 on the US technology exchange NASDAQ.

Schambach gave up the chairmanship in 2003. In 2004 he founded Demandware Inc. in the USA, which offered e-commerce as a cloud service for the first time . Demandware was listed on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in 2012.


Stephan Schambach founded NewStore, Inc. in 2015 and has been working with an international team on the first mobile commerce platform for retailers and brand providers ever since.

Schambach is also involved as an investor and supervisory board member in various e-commerce start-ups and, as chairman of the supervisory board, holds a significant stake in the electric mobility company Torqeedo .

In addition to his work as an entrepreneur, Schambach is committed to improving the framework conditions for start-ups and growth companies in Germany. This includes, for example, improvements in financing and exit options. Furthermore, together with the Intershop Foundation, he is one of the main sponsors of the e-commerce professorship at the Jena University of Applied Sciences . For his contribution to the development of the software industry in Thuringia, he received the State Cross of Merit in 2000 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview by Torsten Krauel in: Die Welt , October 20, 2010
  2. Stephan Schambach - CEO and Founder, NewStore , General Catalyst Partners ( Memento of the original from November 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /