Stephanie Schuhknecht

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Stephanie Schuhknecht (born January 13, 1983 in Augsburg ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ).

From 2013 she worked in the state parliament office of MEP Christine Kamm . In April 2014 she was elected to the city council in her native Augsburg .

In the constituency of Swabia , Schuhknecht achieved the best overall vote result on the constituency list of the Greens in the state elections in Bavaria in 2018 , through which she moved as a member of the Bavarian state parliament. Since December 2018 she has been chairwoman of the committee for petitions and complaints (petitions committee) of the Bavarian state parliament. Schuhknecht is also a member of the media council.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Petitions Committee | Bavarian State Parliament. Retrieved August 28, 2019 .