Steve Kirsch

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Steve Kirsch (2011)

Steve Todd Kirsch (* 1956 ) is an American electrical engineer and computer scientist . He invented the optical mouse and received a patent for it . The founding of some companies with their subsequent IPO or the takeover by management made him a multiple millionaire.

Kirsch grew up in Los Angeles . At the age of twelve he was captivated by a programmable calculator . A dedicated teacher showed him an IBM System / 360 , and within a year he was at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where Vinton Cerf and his team were studying the early days of the Arpanet . Soon Kirsch was busy programming an email program and parts of the operating system . At the suggestion of Vinton Cerf, he enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1974 , where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering in 1978 and a master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science in 1980 .

In 1982 he founded Mouse Systems , which marketed the optical mouse he had invented . In 1986 he resigned and founded Frame Technology Corp. who sold the FrameMaker desktop publishing program . The company was taken over by Adobe Inc. In 1994 he founded the Infoseek Corporation , which was taken over by Disney . In 1999 he founded the Propel Software Corporation , which deals with the acceleration of network access in the Internet, later as its subsidiary the company Abaca Inc. in San José . Abaca developed a spam filter that was certified to be very accurate.

Since 1999 he has put part of his fortune into a charity fund , which now comprises 75 million dollars. This fund supports, among other things, environmental protection efforts and many other tasks.

Steve Kirsch is married.

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