Stigmus solskyi

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Stigmus solskyi
Grabwasp (Stigmus (Panzer 1804)) 000.jpg

Stigmus solskyi

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Crabronidae
Genre : Stigm
Type : Stigmus solskyi
Scientific name
Stigmus solskyi
A. Morawitz , 1864

Stigmus solskyi is a hymenoptera fromthe Crabronidae family .


The wasp reaches a body length of 4 to 5.5 millimeters (females) or 3 to 4 millimeters (males). The lobe on the pronotum is apically colored white. The mesopleurs are wrinkled on top. The similar species, Stigmus pendulus, has a black-colored lobe on the pronotum, which can be as light as possible.


The species is widespread in Europe up to 63 ° north latitude, as well as in Turkey and Kazakhstan . It colonizes different habitats in which suitable nesting opportunities are available, including the human settlement area. You can find them up to 800 meters above sea level . Stigmus solskyi flies from May to early October. It is common in Central Europe .

Way of life

The females prefer to build their nests in abandoned beetle boreholes. Stems are rarely used. Artificial nesting aids are accepted with a diameter of about two millimeters. The nest is then closed with a plug made of a resin-sand mixture. If there is enough space available, in addition to linear structures, structures with branches and numerous cells are also laid out. 25 tube aphids (Aphididae) are introduced per cell , occasionally also leaf fleas from the Psyllidae family . The larvae overwinter as a resting larva.


  • Rolf Witt: Observe wasps, determine . 1st edition. Naturbuch-Verlag, 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .

Web links

Commons : Stigmus solskyi  - collection of images, videos and audio files